Annoyances - Sweet Niall Imagine for @niallsgirl125

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Hi Munchkins! I am SO sorry for not updating but I just had Thanksgiving her in the USA and now the holidays are coming up and I have to do some Christmas shopping soon and everythaang has just been a lil bit cray. After Christmas, everything should be back to normal and I'm sorry its been taking me like 5 days to get these imagines up but just please understand that I'm just really wicked busy this time of year. Thanks! Hope you like the imagine Alexis!

~Maria :)

So unlike all of the other girlfriends I have an (Just in case ypu don't knoe is a website where people can ask you questions and you answer them.) Obviously I get hate, but that would happen with any social media so its alright. But I like because I think it helps me to interact with fans and to get to know them. It's fun to answer the things they ask me!

Right now I was checking it and I got the usual questions:

What's it like to date Niall?

What's your makeup routine?

Which Twitter is your real one?

What's your favorite store to shop at?

I always tried to answer as many as I can at the time. Today however was weird. My number of questions was going up really fast. The same person was asking all these questions one right after another. It was someone named Simon Mundon. His profile picture was pretty creepy. He looked like a 50 year old man. He said he was from India. Weird. Also he was asking some pretty personal questions.

What's your favorite dirty dance move?

Will you kiss me?

Are you pregnant?

It was all just really weird and very uncomfortable for me. I called Niall down.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked as he came over to me and the computer.

"This guy on is really freaking me out." I said. I was really scared. It was all so creepy.

"Oh ya." Niall said looking through his profile. "It looks like all his friends are teenage girls too." Niall blocked and reported him. He also told me to delete my just in case. I did what he told me. The last thing I wanted was to get hacked or something but an Indian creep.

"Just be careful online babe. Okay?" Niall said a bit concered.

"Of course." I replied smiling.

"I just don't want you getting hurt." He said.

"I know." Niall kissed me.

As long as I have him, I am safe.

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