The Itch Factor - Sweet Niall Imagine for @mariah174

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Hi! It's an updating day today! This one is pretty funny! And just so everyone just so you know I'm at my grandmother's house and for some reason her laptop isn't letting me send any inboxes to anyone. I have no idea what's up but it just isn't working :'( So no I'm not ignoring everyone I'm having a conversation with it's just being STUPID

Hope you like the imagine Mariah!

~Maria :) xoxo

"Niall if you don't stop scratching I am gonna wrap you in bubble wrap!" I screamed from the kitchen. Niall had gotten poison ivy over the weekend and he wouldn't stop scratching.

"But Mariah, it itches!" I heard him yell back. I could imagine him right now. He had this pathetic little puppy dog face on. I laughed at the thought.

"No duh!" I yelled back laughing. I finally came out of the bathroom with Niall's itching cream and a warm cloth. "Here." I said softly as I handed it to him.

"Thanks princess." He laughed. "I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass." He said.

"No worries." I smiled. He slowly started scratching his hand. "Niall James Horan! Stop it!" I screamed. I sighed. "You leave me no choice." I got up and grabbed what I was looking for from the kitchen. I came back with oven mitts. "Put these on." I said handing them to him.

"These are the best ones you have?" The oven mitts were kinda girly. They were yellow and have sunflowers covering them. Niall scowled in disgust.

"Oh just put them on." I said. Niall slid them on reluctantly and I couldn't help but laugh. He looked so ridiculous. He had little red bumps covering him, and now to top it off he was wearing sunflowered oven mitts.

"Mariah..." Niall whined.

"Ok, ok I'm done." I said trying to catch my breath.

Out of nowhere I started laughing again. I thought Niall was gonna murder me. He stared into my eyes; blue with orange specks, and it felt like he was piercing my soul. Just that though made me start laughing even more. Niall got up off the couch and started chasing me around. I started screaming.

"I sware if you keep laughing I'll takes those leaves and rub them all over you!" Niall yelled.

"No! Niall Horan!" I screamed as he enveloped me in a hug. "Now I'm gonna get posion ivy! It's contagious you idiot!"

"It is?" He asked cluelessly.

"Ya!" I yelled back.

"Oh." He turned around 30 shades of red and I couldn't be mad at him. Niall was like a cute little puppy. Or as he says, a baby penguin.

"Oh whatever!" I said feeling a defeated, but not really caring. We both started dying laughing and rolling around on the floor. I heard him try to say "I love you," but he couldn't catch his breath. But eventually when we were done laughing I said "I love you, my Irish poison ivy covered baby penguin idiot." Followed by a "what?" from Niall causing us to die in hysterics again.

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