He Sees Your Old Room - Sweet Niall Imagine for @GenavieD

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Hi everyone! I hope everyone read my author's note. Well even if you didn't all it says is that I am so grateful for over 200,000 reads and that I have the best fans and best friends in the world and that I love you guys so much. And also I think during my winter break I will be closing my imagine requests. Don't worry though its only for 12 days! Not like last time where I closed them for like 2 months. It's just cause for those two weeks I am SUPER busy. Between Christmas, Christmas Eve, my friends wanting to do stuff with me, New Years Eve, Christmas shopping, and everything its crazy. I will still be writing imagines during that time, just not personal ones. And also right now I have like 6 imagines to write so I'd appreciate if you wouldn't send me any more right now just because I'm closing requests so soon. Alright thanks guys! Love you! Hope you like this imagine Genavie!

~Maria :) xoxo

Niall was finally visiting my house again. Mostly we spend all our time at our shared flat, or sometimes his house as well. But today we were at my house. Niall has already met my parents so that was out of the way. He's just never seen my house.

We walked in and my parents greeted Niall and I with smiles and hugs. I immediately took him upstairs to show him my room. I was so excited for some reason. "Ready?" I asked. My hand was on the doorknob and I was ready to turn it and reveal my room.

"Ready!" Niall said excitedly back. I opened the door and my jaw dropped. I completely forgot about all my One Direction merch that covered my room. My posters covering one of my walls entirely, my pillow, my blanket, my calendar, my bracelets and necklaces and shirts lying around on my dressers, and of course, front and center, my life-size Niall cutouts. And not just one either. I have two.

My face turned tomato red. I could feel my cheeks burning as Niall looked around and laughed a bit. He looked back at me. "You didn't like us at all did you?" He said smiling.

"Niall, I can explain-"

"No need to explain anything. You were in love me and obviously were a big supporter of us." Niall said.

"Pretty much." I replied. "But doesn't it freak you out that I have cardboard you in my bedroom?" I asked.

"No. Not really honestly. We have entire stores dedicated to us. I see them everywhere." He went over and stood next to it. "But they just can't seem to get my nose right." He said quoting one of my favorite movies; Tangled.

I just laughed. I was glad he was taking this lightly. Besides all the One Directiom stuff, Niall said he really liked my room. So that made me happy as well.

"Genavie, even though you were, or are, a fangirl, it won't stop me from loving you." Niall kissed me.

"Good." I looked up. "I love you too Niall."

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