Chapter 27 | Someone you care for deeply..

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Bring someone you love..

Chapter 27 | Someone you care for deeply..
"Prettyyy pleeaase?!" I whined at Gabriel, wanting to find out what was written on the slip.

"Nah uh," Gabriel laughed and poked me on the forehead.

"Newttiee?!" I turned to face Newt.

"Sorry hun, my lips are sealed," he raised his eyebrows cunningly at me.

"Whaaat!? You too!?" I whined even louder.

The two boys just laughed at me.

"THE SECOND HALF PLEASE COME UP!!" a voice boomed from the cone.

"Guess that's you Anne,"

I sulked and walked over to the start line reluctantly.

"BUT WE EVEN CAME FIRST??" I pouted to them.

They raised their arms together to form a cross sign, meaning no. I grumbled in disappointment.


I was so fixated on them I didn't even realize the race had started, but I managed to not come last to the box of slips.

I reached into the box and pulled out a slip nervously.

'Bring someone you care for deeply'

I immediately turned to the two amazing boys in my life. But the problem was, I didn't know which one to bring. Newt was kind and caring, Gabriel was honest and compassionate. And the truth was, I think I had fallen for both of them.

I blushed at that thought but then it struck me.

I hurried over to their direction.

"Ooh~ what does your slip say?" Gabriel asked smugly.

"No time to explain! But can you please come with me??" I asked as I grabbed onto Chuck's hand, "Pleaaasee?"

"Huh? Uuh sure??" He replied confused as he followed me out.

We hobbled our way over to the finish line and even won the race.

"WHOOOOO!" I squealed excitedly while grabbing onto both of Chuck's hands, waving them around madly.

"This is the first race today I've actually won!" Chuck grinned at me.

Naww! He was such a cutie.

We startes to walk towards the gang; Thomas, Teresa, Jeff, Gabriel, Newt and Minho.

"Well done!!" Everyone cheered to me and Chuck. Chuck started grinning happily while Gabriel started to ask me questions.

"Sooo.. What did your slip say?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah what does it say?" Chuck said, now curious too.

"Well umm.. " I started to mumble nervously.

"Bloody hell, spit it out love!" Newt laughed.

"Bring someone you care for deeply.." I spoke in a quiet voice as my face started to turn bright red.

They all stared at me.

"Awww! You're the cutest!" Teresa smiled and hugged me tightly.

Chuck started to go red.

"If it means anything, I care about you a lot too.." He grinned goofily at me.

I pulled him in for a hug.

- "You little rascal!" I grinned back at him -

End of Chapter 27

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I Never Lost Love.. I Just Fell Off Track.. (NEWT AND GRANT FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now