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i was like half awake when writing this and i don't think it's edited, sorry.


they had been driving and casually talking for about ten minutes or so, when tyler finally decided to ask where they were going.

"so, where are we going?" he said nonchalantly, looking over at josh as he drove.

"i mean, we'll be there in like two minutes, but if you really want to know, i'll tell you." josh said with a small shrug.

"i kinda, really want to know.." tyler said, biting his lip (a bad habit) and then looked down at his hands. "but if you don't want to tell me, that's cool." he added on quickly.

"hey ty, don't stress about it. i was just going to take you to a carnival. it's like a city over." josh said, sending him a small smile and reaching over and giving his thigh a small squeeze. just to comfort him.

"my uncle had a heart attack at a carnival one time, he died." tyler said quietly.

"are you serious? oh my god tyler, i didn't know.. we can go do something else. i'm so sorry, oh my god. i feel terr-" josh started, but stopped once he heard tyler burst out laughing.

"calm down, calm down." tyler said through his laughing. "i wasn't serious. wow, you should've seen the look on your face." he said, his laughter dying down eventually.

"i fucking hate you. i was like really worried. you suck." josh josh shook his head at tyler, to which tyler just smirked. he pulled into a parking space, then looked over at tyler with an unreadable face.

"sorry, babe." tyler said, smiling a bit. he leant over and kissed josh's cheek, making him finally smile.

"it's okay, come on, let's go." josh said, giving him a all kiss as well. he opened his door and got out, so did tyler.

josh walked around to tyler's side and took ahold of his hand, giving it a small squeeze. they started walking into the carnival, marveling at everything around them. soon, they stopped at a ticket booth and bought fifty tickets for both of them (which josh insisted on paying for). then, they started waking around again. until tyler saw one of his favorite games of course.

"we have to play it, come on." tyler said, practically dragging josh over to the balloon darts. he loved this game, even if he never really won.

they game the lady five tickets for each of them and both played. tyler got one balloon and won a small, pink, stuffed fish. he was pretty proud of himself. josh got all four balloons, and let tyler pick out a prize for himself. to which he picked out a regular sized stuffed banana. he tried giving it to josh, but he insisted that tyler kept it.

"now we have to play my favorite game." josh said with a smile, taking tyler over to the game where you had to get the ball in the fish bowl. he always won.

"oh my god, i can never get this." tyler said, pouting a bit. he never won a fish, but what would he need a fish for anyways?

the gave the person three tickets each, and each threw two balls. tyler missed both. josh got both in the bowls. he picked out a regular gold fish and then started walking again.

"what are you going to name him?" asked tyler.

"jim." josh replied.

"why jim?"

"why not?"

"good point."

"you know what, he's really pale. kind of like a ghost. he'll be spooky jim." josh concluded.

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now