twenty eight

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an hour or so had passed after tyler finally put his phone down and started getting ready when he finally heard a car pull into his drive way.

"tyler!" his brother, jay, shouted from the front door. "josh is here!"

"be down in a minute!" tyler shouted out his door before grabbing a few things and making his way downstairs.

once he was downstairs, he saw that josh and jay were just sitting on the couch together, talking. they seemed to get along pretty nice. tyler really liked seeing them be so friendly with each other. it made him happy to know that at least one of his family members was okay with josh.

"oh you're back, come on let's go." josh said happily, standing up and walking over to tyler.

"bye, dude." josh said to jay, to which he just nodded and waved.

tyler took a hold of josh's hand, giving him a small kiss on the cheek before they left the house.

"hey so, i was thinking we could go get some chick-fil-a. then maybe finish the disney marathon, and then do whatever. i don't have work tomorrow, so we've got like two days to do a bunch of stuff." josh said with a huge smile, not realizing that he was ranting. he was just happy that tyler would be sleeping over and that they would be spending a lot of time together.

"sounds great, joshy." tyler said, playing with their fingers as they walked out to the car. once they arrived, josh, as usual, opened tyler's door for him and shut it one he got in. then, got in himself.

they started casually talking as josh began to drive. it was nothing serious, just topics to pass the time. soon they arrived at chick-fil-a and parked, then both got out of the car.

"oh shit, isn't this place anti gay or something?" tyler suddenly remembered, stopping right out side the building.

"oh yeah... it'll be fine though. if they're mean to us, then we'll just go somewhere else. subway or something." josh explained reassuringly. he laced his fingers with tyler's, opening the door for him, and then following him in.

tyler told josh what he wanted, and they ordered everything, to go of course.

"you know we could've just went through the drive through." tyler pointed out.

"that's too mainstream." josh said with a serious tone, but was quite obviously joking.

"you dork." tyler mumbled.

"shhh. i'm great." josh whispered, kissing the side of tyler's head just as their food came out. josh grabbed it, and walked out with tyler once again.

they both got into the car, buckling up and such. tyler held the food and drinks in his lap as josh drove.

"well, that went better than expected." tyler announced.

"they never really give me a problem... but then again, i never bring a boy with me.." josh said, shrugging a bit. they soon arrived at this apartment building and parked the car. they went inside and up the elevator, then went into his apartment.

"okay, so. what do you want to do?" josh asked, putting the food down on the coffee table as they walked inside. he took off his hoodie and just threw it on the couch, sitting down. tyler did the same.

"uhm, we could eat and watch a few movies, have a lazy day, ya know?" tyler said, moving closer to josh. josh just nodded.

"hey," tyler started.

"yeah?" josh asked.

"can i borrow some pajamas?" tyler asked.

"of course, here." josh said, standing up once agin. tyler stood up as well and followed him to his room, sitting down on his bed once he got inside.

"okay, sesame street," josh started, looking through his pajama pants. "adventure time," he kept looking. "or teenage mutant ninja turtles?"

"dude that's hard." tyler replied, looking deep into thought. "sesame street, final answer."

"here," josh said quickly, throwing the pants and a random shirt at tyler.

"thanks for the heads up." tyler muttered, rolling his eyes.

tyler got dressed, and josh did the same. neither of them really cared that either one of them was in the room, it didn't bother them. in fact, josh liked seeing tyler's butt. was he going to say that though? probably.

"okay so, which movie did we stop on last time?" tyler asked, walking out of the room with josh following behind.

"pretty sure we stopped like half way through tinkerbell. more, you fell asleep halfway through tinkerbell." josh said, smiling a bit as he remembered.

"oh yeah." tyler said, shrugging. they walked into the kitchen and got somethings before going into the living room.

josh put tinkerbell into the dvd player and got the remote. he sat down next to tyler and wrapped his arms around him, pressing play. through out the movie, they ate and such. they talked every now and then, but for the majority they were quiet. half way through up, josh left for a minute or two to go get some blankets because they were getting quite cold.

tyler got a little emotional during up and wreck it ralph, but he got over it.


didn't know how to end this chapter lol.

also, i kind of want to end this book around chapter 40. and then maybe have a sequel?? if you guys want one... just because i think the book is dragging on and on and i think it's getting sort of boring. shits going down in a few chapter lol but that's about it.

thanks for reading guys tho; ily.

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now