fifty three

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later that day josh was finally home. except he seemed a bit different than usual. tyler couldn't really pinpoint what it was, but he seemed a bit... hostile towards him. he was probably just having a bad day at work, right?

josh took off his coat and such and hung it up. he shook his head and grimaced slightly. josh made his way over to the couch and sat, taking off his shoes and then sitting back. he ran his fingers through his hair and stared up at the ceiling. this was completely unlike him. even sushi had noticed. he walked over and started nuzzling josh's leg, but was completely ignored.

"hey josh," tyler had decided to say after josh hadn't spoken. he really didn't seem like he wanted to be bothered right now either.

"hi." was the response that tyler received.

"um," tyler looked down at the ground, confused. why was josh not speaking? why did he seem so mad? maybe he would try to figure it out. "did something happen today?" but, after saying that, he thought of how it sounded. he thought it sounded kind of pushy and started regretting it. tyler really didn't want to bother him.

"what do you mean?" josh turned around and raised an eyebrow, just staring at tyler. he seemed distressed.

"i mean- i don't know..." tyler sighed and shook his head a bit. "you don't really seem how you usually are? if that makes sense. i'm sorry, i don't want to sound-"

josh cut tyler off. "no, no. i'm sorry. it's not your fault. just..." josh stopped, looking as if he was debating on whether or not he should say what had happened.

"just?" tyler urged.

"um, some stuff happened at work today. my boss was being pretty rude." josh told tyler. it seemed like he was missing something though.

"is that it?" tyler pushed further, walking over to josh and sitting down next to him. josh took tyler's hand in his and looked down at them.

"my parents called today." josh muttered. that was kind of a shocker.

josh never really spoke about his parents. come to think of it, tyler hasn't heard about them once. he hasn't met them either.

"oh?" tyler tried to respond. but really, he didn't know what to do or say. "is that... a bad thing?"

"yeah, it is." josh frowned a bit. tyler ran his thumb over josh's knuckles and moved closer.

"why?" tyler asked.

"my parents and i, we've got a lot of problems." josh explained. that sort of made sense. "they don't really talk to me, and i don't talk to them. or jordan or ashley either, honestly."

"that's your brother and sister, right?" josh nodded. "don't you have another sister?"

"well yeah. but we're okay. i like her, she's not like my parents." josh told tyler.

"when was the last time you actually talked to your parents?" tyler questioned.

"um," josh thought for a minute. "not that long ago, maybe like two months ago. i think it was around that time you thought i was dating a girl or something. but before that it was probably over a year." josh shrugged as if he could care less. when really, he could. he didn't care to talk to his family whatsoever.

"oh." tyler nodded. he wasn't quite ready to ask why josh didn't talk to his parents. he would soon though. it would probably be better to drop the subject. he didn't want to make josh too uncomfortable.

"well, speaking of parents..." tyler started awkwardly.

"yes?" it was josh's turn to be confused now.

"mine want me to come over tonight." he said.

"okay, when do you have to leave, baby boy?" josh asked, letting go of tyler's hand to wrap an arm around him instead.

tyler pulled out his phone and checked the time, shrugging. "they didn't really give me an exact time. i'll prolly go in an hour or so."

josh nodded, squeezing tyler's shoulder and smiling.

"i love you," josh said.

"i love you too." tyler smiled.

josh shifted a bit and pressed his lips to tyler's. the two boys kissed for a minute or so until tyler somehow tyler landed in josh's lap. tyler pulled back and pressed his forehead against josh's, smiling contently. he leaned forward and pecked his lips before pulling away once again.

"hey tyler?" josh says.

"yeah?" tyler answers distractedly. his fingers laced in the back of josh's blue hair. it was so pretty.

"why do you have to see your parents tonight?" josh asks.

"i don't know. they need to talk to me. it's prolly nothing important." tyler shrugs a bit, running his hand through josh's mohawk type thing. for a split second, tyler considered dying his hair. but as quick as the thought entered, it was gone. he didn't think he would look right with dyed hair.

"do you want to watch a movie or something before you leave?" josh asked, wrapping both of his arms around tyler's neck.

"sure. we have time to kill. why not?" tyler nodded.

"which one?" josh asked.

"the nightmare before christmas?" tyler asked, and josh smiled and nodded. josh motioned for tyler to get out of his lap, and he did.

josh grabbed the dvd and put it in the little slot in the dvd player. he grabbed the remote and turned on the tv as well. once it was on, josh pressed play. tyler walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks for the both of them, then was right back in the living room.

josh sat down on the couch once again and tyler say in between his legs. he put the snacks down next to them and grabbed a blanket, covering both himself and josh. they remained like that throughout the whole movie.

but once it was over, they didn't want to move. tyler was considering calling his parents and saying he would come over tomorrow, but he knew he couldn't do that. so reluctantly, tyler stood up and stretched.

he went and got his stuff together so he could leave. once tyler had his coat, keys, wallet, phone and such, he was ready to go.

"bye joshy," he walked over to josh who was in the kitchen now, and wrapped his arms around him. "love you."

"good bye tyler." josh gave tyler a quick kiss and smiled. "love you too."

once they were done exchanging good byes, tyler finally left and went out to his car. he got in and shut the door behind him, pulling his phone out of his pocket. he texted his mom and said that he'd be there in a few minutes.

and with that, tyler started driving. until he got to his parents house, which really didn't take long. he parked in the driveway and got out, walking up the driveway to the front door. he let himself inside, without knocking as usual.

he was about to hang up his coat when he heard, "tyler, glad you could make it."


hey look i'm not dead (sadly).

wow okYa i feel rlly bad for not updating for a while. but i'm trying lol.

everything is going to start tying together bc the book is going to end soon lol.

but srry, you guys won't find out who messaged ty until the sequel

but thank you guys so much for 60k, it's honestly awesome.

so, thank you so much for reading, ilysm.

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now