seventy nine

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"okay so this might've not been the best time to tell you... but i've never been on a plane. i'm petrified." tyler whispered to josh, who was currently sitting next to him in the airport.

they had already went through security and both of the boys were fine. their suitcases passed through fine and they had no problems with their carry-on's. that reassured tyler a bit, but he was still pretty scared.

"you'll be fine. it's not as scary as you think. the take off and landing are probably the worst. and they're not even that bad." josh said, trying to calm tyler's nerves.

"if you say so." tyler sighed as he bit his lip. he began bouncing his leg up and down.

josh took notice of this and frowned a tiny bit. he didn't want tyler stressed or nervous. he leaned over and placed his hand on tyler's thigh. this made tyler's leg slow a bit. josh gave it a slight squeeze for reassurance and rubbed it for a few seconds. this made tyler blush, but calm down all together. which in turn, made josh smiled once again.

for another half an hour or so, they were mindlessly scrolling through their phones. josh's hand remained in place, made tyler not as shaken as he was previously.

"flight number 4210 is ready to begin boarding. please meet at gate six." they heard over a loud speaker.

and so tyler and josh both stood up and grabbed their carry-on's, along with each other's hands. silently, they walked over to the entrance gate and stood in line. it wasn't long before they were walking into the plane. they found their seats rather quick.

josh opened the little cabinet above them and put his bad inside. tyler handed him his as well and josh put it in next to his. then, he sat beside tyler. they were lucky to have gotten seats together. and tyler was pretty happy about that.

once again, tyler began bouncing his leg up and down out of instinct. josh looked over at him and wrapped an around around his shoulder.

"baby boy," josh spoke, causing tyler to look up. "you'll be okay. i'm right here."

tyler slowly slowed his leg. he nodded silently. "can you get my blanket out of my bag, josh?" he asked quietly. tyler knew it would help calm him down even more.

"of course," josh nodded and stood up once again. he went into tyler's bag and took out his blanket. his baby blanket. josh handed it to him and sat once again.

there were a few announcements made. tyler and josh got buckled up and such. the plane was to take off in a few minutes.

those few minutes passed by rather quick and soon, they were off and into the air. tyler kept his eyes closed for it. but eventually, he opened them.

"that wasn't that bad..." he mumbled. to which josh nodded in agreement.

and then tyler turned to look out of the window.

"josh, what the fuck." tyler said rather loudly, causing a few people to turn and look at them. "we are above the clouds. what is this. how is this even possible? we're going to die." tyler shook his head, a nervous laugh escaping him.

"ty, shh. it's okay. we're in the air, we're not going to crash." josh shook his head, trying his best not to laugh at tyler's little outburst.

tyler let out a sigh. "okay."

there was soon an announcement that everyone could walk around and snacks would be around soon.

once they came around, tyler got apple juice, and josh got a lemonade. and they both just got some cookies because they weren't too hungry. after they ate and finished their drinks. josh threw them away.

tyler yawned a bit. josh pushed the arm rest separating them up and motioned for tyler to lay down. he was hesitant but laid his head in josh's lap nonetheless. josh rubbed up and down tyler's back. whereas tyler just clutched his baby blanket and closed his eyes. he was pretty relaxed now. he wouldn't have a hard time falling asleep.

and he didn't. within a few minutes, he was out like a light.

there were no more worries of flying for tyler now. he merely unconscious and had no idea what was going on around him. josh stayed awake. he ran his hand up and down tyler's back, and though his hair.

that went on for an hour or so before josh was taken by sleep as well.

both boys awoke to a rather loud announcement. it stated that they were to land in fifteen minutes. josh stretched his arms out and rubbed circles in his eyes. tyler sat up and yawned, cracking his back as well.

tiredly, tyler grabbed his blanket and laid it on his lap. he didn't want to lose it. josh thought that was pretty cute though.

"fuck, josh." tyler whispered. "this is actually happening... we're, we're in new york." he said in disbelief. everything was dreamlike. this is what tyler had imagined when he was a little kid. to live his dreams, and it was finally coming true.

"all for you, ty." josh whispered.

tyler leaned in to kiss josh, it was short lived. soon following, there was yet another announcement. they had finally landed, and tyler hadn't even noticed. he was too busy preoccupying himself.

silently, they both unbuckled themselves. the boys stood into the aisle along with many others. josh took out their bags from the compartment above their heads, grabbing a few other people's too and handing it to them.

they exited the plane one by one. tyler held josh's hand and josh held tyler's. tyler also held his blanket, which he was paranoid of losing in the busy airport.

the boys made their way to the luggages collection and waited patiently until they saw theirs. josh collected them and handed them to tyler. they began wheeling them out of the airport, standing to look at their new city.

"welcome home, princess." josh said with a grin.


one more chapter holy shit fuck me up this book is my baby omg

i'm so sad it's ending u guys are gonna hate me

ily and thanks for reading tho

i'm back from texas btw

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now