forty one

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"wow okay, haven't really thought about that either..." tyler said, running his fingers through his hair.

"okay. how about we eat some pizza and then bleach my hair? we can watch american horror story while we wait for the bleach to set." josh said, shrugging a bit. tyler nodded but raised an eyebrow.

"that sounds good and all... but what do you mean 'bleach'?" he asked, making little air quotations when he said bleach.

"i take it you've never dyed hair before?" josh asked. tyler just mumbled a quick 'nope'. "well we have to bleach my hair first. hair bleach, not like that bleach you use for clothes. and then we have to let it sit for like forty five minutes. and then," he paused, looking over at tyler who was beyond confused. "i'll wash it out and my hair will be blonde."

"wow i didn't know it would take this long... i kinda just thought you put it on and it changed colors. wow that sounds stupid." tyler mumbled, picking up a pizza box and bringing it into the living room. josh did the same.

"it's not stupid. don't worry, baby boy, i'll help you with it. it's not that hard." josh explained, reassuring tyler.

"i love you," tyler reminded him, sitting down and opening a pizza box.

"love you too, ty." josh said, sitting down and wrapping his arm around tyler.

tyler took a slice and handed it to josh, then took one for himself. they put on some re-runs of shows as they ate. soon though, they thought they had had enough.

"can i do your hair now?" tyler asked as he stood up, grinning goofily.

josh nodded and grinned as well. "mhm, come on." he said, grabbing tyler's hand and leading him to the bathroom. he didn't want to get bleach everywhere, so this was probably the safest place. he pulled open a drawer and looked around, pulling out a bottle, a bowl, a brush, and some powder.

"okay so, do you want me to mix it, or you?" josh asked, putting everything on the sink.

"i want to do it." tyler said confidently.

"okay here," he paused, handing tyler the powder. "six scoops of that..." he waited for tyler to scoop it into the bowl. "now pour in some of this," and tyler did. "okay you might need a little bit more." josh said, trying not to laugh. "yeah, that's good. okay now just mix it all up."

tyler proceeded to mix everything together for a few minutes, making sure it was perfect. he really didn't want to mess up josh's hair.

"okay now what?" he asked, just staring at it in confusion.

"now you put it on my head." well that made sense.

tyler nodded and then took a big scoop and plopped it down on josh's head. he then started coating his hair in it and making sure everything was covered. soon, his whole head was covered, and they were cleaning everything up.

"oh my god. josh!" tyler almost screamed when he turned around and saw josh's hair.

"what? what's wrong?" josh asked, clearly confused.

"your hair! it-it's blonde." tyler said, excitedly.

"well it working then." josh said, urging himself not to laugh at tyler.

"wow, i didn't think it would actually work..." tyler admitted. "but it does and dude, that's sick."

once they were done putting everything away, and tyler was done screaming over his boyfriends hair, they both went back into the living room. josh said down first, and tyler sat down afterwards, sitting directly next to josh. they put on the new episode of american horror story that they had missed and watched it silently.

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now