sixty two

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the younger boy woke up to an empty bed. he looked emotionless. his hair was a mess, there were still tear tracks down his face. but he pulled through it and got out of bed. he stared down at his hands for a moment and his eyes began to water.

ever since tyler had received his promise ring from josh, he had worn it. he couldn't bring himself to wear it today though. his heart was broken, and just looking at it made him want to break down again.

silently, he slipped it off of his ring finger and placed it down on his bedside table. it's strange to say, but he felt... naked without wearing it. he didn't feel right. he couldn't bring himself to wear it though.

tyler didn't plan on doing anything at all today. maybe he would call brendon or maddy over for some emotional support. other than that, he'd stay at home and just be miserable. it wasn't healthy, he knew that, but was that going to stop him? no.

the young boy grabbed one of josh's hoodies and threw it on. he missed him. he missed his scent and the safe feeling tyler would get from him.

just afterwards, tyler walked out of their— his room and into the kitchen, his head hung low.

"baby boy," he heard all of the sudden. his favorite sound filling his ears. "i made breakfast, what's wrong? c'mere."

tyler wanted to smile, but he couldn't. he didn't know what to do. once again, he felt his eyes prick with tears. he wasn't going to let them out though.

tyler felt a pair of arms being wrapped around him from behind, and a head rested upon his shoulder. he felt comforted, but at the same time he felt confused and discomfort as well.

"why are you here?" tyler managed to get out.

josh rose his eyebrow, even though tyler couldn't see it. "why wouldn't i be here, i told you i would be home around 10, ty." he answered, now confused as well. "are you feeling okay, baby? you aren't acting like yourself."

tyler was shocked at josh's words. he was acting as if nothing had happened the night before. like he was completely unaware.

"i- josh," tyler started, but frankly, he didn't even know what he was trying to say.

"i came home last night and put you in bed. you were crying though, or at least it looked like that." josh stated. "is it something i said? did i make a mistake?" he was beyond lost.

"uhm, josh. have you been on twitter?" tyler asked. josh gave a look of confusion before shaking his head. "check it." and josh did.

he pulled out his phone and opened twitter, going to his home and scrolling through. his face an heart dropped. he did not say any of that. he never would.

"that wasn't me..." josh whispered.

tyler nodded hesitantly and covered his face. "check our messages."

once again, josh did. he opened up his and tyler's conversation and rose an eyebrow. there was nothing out of the ordinary there.

"babe?" josh asked. tyler made a little 'hmm' sound. "what about our messages? last thing i said was 'i love you.'"

tyler shook his head and went to go get his phone, which was now nearly dead. he unlocked it and sighed as he opened their messages. he handed his phone to josh.

"you said that last night..." tyler whispered, not daring to look at josh's face.

which was good for him because josh was fuming. he was absolutely pissed off.

"i would never." josh shook his head and handed tyler's phone back.

"i don't know, are you sure?" tyler asked. "you don't remember doing any of this last night?" he didn't mean to act as if he thought josh was lying, but he was still pretty upset. and, this wasn't the first time this had happened.

"no, i don't because i never did that." josh frowned. "are you trying to say something here, tyler?"

tyler shrugged, looking at the ground as he spoke. "i just don't understand this. it's not the first time something like this has happened. i don't know if it's like a joke or prank or something, but it's really not funny. my feelings were hurt badly, and they still are. i just don't know what to say."

josh was taken aback by this. he went to go hug tyler and he just kind of flinched away. "please don't." tyler whispered. "i just, i feel so unwanted right now, i'm going to stay the night somewhere else. i'm sorry but i can't take this right now."

"please, tyler, think about this. i'm so sorry." josh tried to plead.

"i can't." a tear slid down tyler's cheek as he turned to walk away. he wiped it with the sleeve of josh's hoodie as he made his way to the bedroom.

once inside, tyler grabbed a book bag and began putting various items in it. mostly stuff he would need for the next few days. he was halfway through wrapping up his phone charger when he heard the front door slam shut. he jumped a bit, but gradually calmed down. tyler returned to packing, a bit faster now.

only a few minutes later, tyler was out the door as well. he left the building and went into the parking lot. he packed up his stuff into his trunk and shut it. he looked around, josh's car wasn't anywhere in sight. he had probably driven off by now. tyler decided to do the same.

he got into the drivers seat and started his engine. he sent out a few texts, one to brendon, one to his mom, and one to madison. tyler plugged the aux cord into his phone and began blasting some music. it was just a playlist he liked to listen to when he was sad, a lot of older stuff. with that, tyler was ready to leave. he drove off. he didn't know where he he was headed, but he knew he couldn't stay there that night.


okay so i'm going to my grand parents house tmrw so idk how frequent updates will be. you'll most likely be getting one tmrw but idk.

also i'm sorry it's getting so sad but it will get happy, promise !!

thank you all for reading and everything else ilyasm!!

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now