twenty three

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josh clocked out at eight o'clock. he didn't have to close that night, so by 8:06 he was out and on his way to tyler's house.

"wow, tyler was right about all of these holes." he muttered as he drove down the street, almost to tyler's house.

josh parked his car once he arrived and took off his little name tag and work lanyard. he got out of the car afterwards and walked up tyler's driveway to his front door. which was soon opened.

"hey! come on, let's go." tyler said as he opened the door and quickly rushed out.

that was pretty strange and unlike him, or at least josh thought so.

"hey," he started, walking to his car and opening the door for tyler as usual. "so, where are we going?" he asked nonchalantly as he got in for himself.

"uhm, i'm not going to say exactly where, but drive to that one really big park. and then you'll see... it's a surprise." tyler said, a smile forming as he spoke. he was honestly pretty excited.

josh just nodded a few times and then started to drive. soon, they arrived and both got out of the car. tyler walked around and took josh's hand, lacing their fingers together.

"close your eyes." he said, to which josh complied.

tyler started leading josh around, telling him where to step and where not to step. until, they finally reached their destination.

"okay, we're here. open your eyes, joshy." tyler announced, letting go of his hand as he stepped back. he bit his lip as he watched josh open his eyes, anxiously waiting for him to say something.

josh opened his eyes to reveal a blanket laid on the the ground, a pizza box on top of it with two baja blast freezes from taco bell (tyler knew him so well). there were a bunch of pillows and folded up blankets next to the blanket on the ground. and all around them were candles lit up inside little jars. it was getting dark out, but this made everything look super cute, and made everything dimly lit. josh loved it.

he was amazed that tyler would do something like this just for him, it made him so happy.

"this is so adorable. aw, baby boy, come here." josh said, a goofy smiling making its way on to his face as he held his arms open for tyler.

tyler smiled knowing that josh liked what he did. he walked over to josh and into his arms, to which he was greeted with a huge hug. josh held tyler tightly, his smile never fading, and the same for tyler. eventually though, they pulled away from each other and sat down on the blanket next to each other.

"so," tyler paused. "do you like it?" he was pretty sure josh did, but he just had to know for sure.

"i love it, ty." josh replied before placing a small kiss on tyler's cheek.

"yay! now let's eat, i haven't ate like all day." tyler said, giving josh a small kiss in return. he handed josh his baja blast and put his in his lap, then got the pizza box. once he picked it up, josh realized that there was actually some paper towels and paper plates underneath of it as well. smart.

tyler ripped off a piece and put it on a plate, then handed it to josh, and did the same for himself. out of habit, tyler rested his head on josh's shoulder as he took small bites of his pizza. josh didn't mind at all, he just found it cute. everything tyler did he found cute, honestly.

they talked a little bit and sipped on their drinks silently, just sitting and enjoying everything.

"i'm cold." suddenly tyler spoke up, moving closer towards josh.

josh went over and got one of the blankets. he pulled tyler so he rested in between his legs, and then covered the both of them.

"better?" josh asked.

"better." tyler confirmed.

"i think we should get going soon, it's getting late, baby boy." josh said quietly.

"can you sleep over?" tyler asked after thinking about it for a minute. his parents wanted to meet josh anyways, why not.

"if you want me to, of course." josh said with a nod.

the boys spent the next half hour just kissing a bit and cuddling, until they decided it was time to go back to tyler's house. but when that time rolled around, they cleaned up everything and tyler led josh back to his car, because he had no idea how they even got to that spot in the first place. once all of the blankets and such were in the car, they both got in and josh started to drive back to tyler's house.

"you know, i've never seen your room before." josh stated.

"well i can show you it when we get home, you'll be sleeping with me anyways." tyler said, grinning childishly. he loved sleeping with josh, it was always so peaceful.

"and i assume your parents are home?" josh asked, sound a bit unsure.

"yeah, probably. they kind of want to meet you... i hope you don't mind." tyler answered quietly, hoping it wasn't too soon for josh or anything.

"i don't, i just hope they don't hate me." he said, being dead serious, but adding a small laugh at the end just to lighten the mood a bit.

soon, they arrived back at tyler's house, and parked. the boys both got out and walked up to the front door. tyler just walked straight in, which was pretty strange to josh, considering every time he was here, he has knocked. but then again, tyler did live here.

josh followed tyler into the kitchen, looking around at everything as they walked. it all looked pretty average. josh was starting to feel at ease until he heard a voice, one that obviously wasn't tyler.

"so, this is the 'josh' you've been talking about, tyler?"


1000+ words aye. nothing else to say haha. uhm??

also i started writing a genderfluid joshler but idk if i'm going to post it.

thanks for reading, all of you are so fricken awesome and i love you all so much. no joke. completely serious rn.

sorry this chapter is literal trash too lol bye.

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now