thirty four

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- voicemail #1 -

"hey tyler, it's josh. i'm sure you can tell from the contact thing, but whatever. never mind. anyways, just call me?"

- voicemail #2 -

"did i do something? i mean, it went straight to voicemail... twice. tyler please just tell me what happened.."

- voicemail #3 -

"tyler, we haven't talked in a few days and i hate it. i miss you. please-"

- voicemail #4 -

"tyler, baby boy. where have you been? it's been hell not having you here. i've been pretty fucked up lately, not going to lie." laughter. "without you here i don't know what to do."

- voicemail #5 -

"i know we've only been dating for like," pause "four months or something, but i really like you. i guess i fucked up so bad that you don't like me anymore. i still don't even know what i did though... who cares? i create a lot of problems, don't i?"

- voicemail #6 -

"you know... i've been trying hard to impress you lately. but i guess it hasn't been working. i'm not good enough for you, am i?"

- voicemail #7 -

"i'm not that drunk... no yes i am. and i still can't get you out of my head... yet you still hate me for some reason. i'm sorry."

- voicemail #8 -

"tyler, please." crying. "i lo-like you too much to have you hate me. please tell me what i did." more crying. "you don't even have to take me back, or even talk to me afterwards... just please tell me what i did to drive you away, make you hate me so much."

- voicemail #9 -

"i miss you so much, tyler. you will be the death of me. this is eating me alive- i don't even feel alive without you here. my life is just constantly on replay. it's terrible. and missing you makes it painful. i really don't even want to be here if you're not with me for the ride."

- voicemail #10 -

"i love you."

- voicemail #11 -

"fuck, that was an accident."

- voicemail #12 -

"no it wasn't."

- voicemail #13 -

"i'm sure i sound really, really desperate... but it's true."

- voicemail # 14 -

"you know what? i don't care. i don't care about how desperate or whiny i sound. i don't care that i'm a fucking mess or that you haven't left my mind for the past week and a half. i don't care. because i love you, and i'm not going to give up. you don't have to love me back, but i want you to know that i love you. no one else, you. i may not say it all the time, but at least you now know it. if i never see, or talk to you again, i just wanted you to know," pause. "that i love you with all my heart, and i'd do anything to be with you again, tyler."

tyler closed his phone after listening to the last voicemail, tears dripping down his face.

tyler wasn't doing well at all. he hasn't slept for over a week. he's barely ate, and hasn't even changed out of his pajamas from the day of the "incident". he hasn't left his house, let alone even his room. his parents and siblings were well aware of this. they tried to help, but nothing worked. tyler was heartbroken, and there's no real way to fix a broken heart.

he stilled loved josh, but he wasn't so sure that josh loved him. sure, maybe he said it a few times. but from that one conversation, tyler didn't know if he could trust a thing anyone said anymore.

tyler's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. "hey, baby boy."


oooooo ok

what am i doing

josh and ty will be back to normal soon lol sorry

and 4K VIEWS and 400 votes? literally what. i love you. thank you. this is great i'm so happy omg.

thanks for reading. ilysm.

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now