twenty seven

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baby boy: hey

baby boy: wait

baby boy: why'd you change your name??

baby boy: rude much?

jishwa: jfc calm down

baby boy: i'm not being serious you know that right

jishwa: duh

jishwa: but hey, do you still want to come over tonight?

baby boy: yeah. let me ask my mom

jishwa: i reAlly want to laugh at that but i'm not going to

jishwa: sELF CONTROL

baby boy: she said no

jishwa: really??

baby boy: nah jk she said yes

jishwa: phew

baby boy: can we get chick-fil-a

jishwa: of course duh

baby boy: ok ok i'm gonna get ready

baby boy: pick me up in like an hour??

jishwa: it takes you an hour to get ready jfc wow

baby boy: shut up, i'm trying to look cute for you

jishwa: in that case, i'll be over in an hour

baby boy: thanks ♡♡

jishwa: be there soon baby boy


haha hopefully the story will actually get interesting. idk i was kind of considering adding drama (later like in a few chaps), but idk. i'm really indecisive about things lol.

but yeah. i've got like 3 more dates planned tbh. not including this if this is even a date lmao.

thanks for reading, i love you so much.

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now