thirty nine

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"dad, go away. i'm a grown man, i'm twenty years old. i can move out if i want to. and i do. i'm sorry if you don't want me to leave or something, but it's too late. i've made up my mind. i'll be out by tonight." tyler announced to both his mom and zack. they both looked shocked. neither of them knew tyler could be this way. hell, tyler didn't even know he could be this way. he didn't know what came over him.

with that, tyler stood up and walked upstairs to his room, ignoring whatever his mom and dad were saying to him. he didn't care. his mind was set.

tyler opened the door and walked in, shutting the door behind him and locking it. he sat down on his bed, looking around at everything. this would be the last time he actually slept in here, and that was just starting to sink in.

maybe this wasn't the best idea.

no no no. this is a great idea. tyler was hung to live with his loving boyfriend and everyone was going to be happy.

after fifteen minutes or so of thinking, tyler stood up and started gathering everything. he folded his clothes and such so they were ready when josh came by with boxes. and with that, he started preparing everything for when josh came over. he didn't have much anyways, it would be fine.


it was around eight thirty when josh knocked on the door. he was greeted by tyler's mom, who was less than pleased to see him. he didn't know why. she let him inside nonetheless and told him that tyler was i'm his room. so that's where he went.

josh knocked on the door and didn't get a reply. so he knocked again and this time said, "hey ty, it's josh... i brought boxes and stuff so." he said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

once tyler heard josh's voice, he shot up and walked over to the door. he unlocked it and opened it, seeing josh standing there. he immediately wrapped his arms around him and let out a deep sigh.

"i missed you." tyler mumbled into josh's chest. he honestly was in a very shitty mood, and seeing josh again made him feel much better.

"i missed you too, baby boy." josh said, hugging and kissing tyler's head in return. he could clearly tell that tyler wasn't too happy, so it was probably best to just try to get out of there as soon as possible.

"can we start packing?" tyler asked, pulling away slightly. josh just nodded.

"i bought a bunch of boxes, and my friend let me borrow his truck so we won't need to make two trips." josh explained, looking around at tyler's room. everything was all grouped up and ready to be packed.

"thank you, thank you. i love you so much!" tyler said, his mood obviously more happier than before.

"well, let's go get some boxes, baby boy." josh said, smiling as he thought about the whole situation. his boyfriend would be living with him within a few hours. with that thought in his mind, wrapped an arm around tyler and walked out his door. he walked downstairs and out the door. while walking, he noticed a few not so nice stares from tyler's family. clearly, they weren't taking this well.

josh unlocked the truck and went into the back seat, grabbing a handful of boxes. they all had to be folded before they could actually be used, but that was easy. they just needed to get all of tyler's stuff in the boxes.

the two went back inside, carrying boxes up to tyler's old room. once inside, they got right to it.

josh started packing all of tyler's clothes, while tyler started packing all of his other stuff. by the time they were done, a few hours had past and it was finally time to start bringing the boxes out.

josh and tyler both began grabbing boxes and making their way outside. they put them in the trunk and then walked back inside, there was still a lot more.

when they went back upstairs to tyler's room, jay was standing there. why? neither of them knew. jay stood there kind of awkwardly before finally speaking.

"uhm, do you guys want any help? i mean i'm not really too happy about tyler leaving us," he paused. "but... as long as tyler is happy, then it's fine."

hearing this made tyler feel pretty confused. he was happy that jay was helping them and that he cared about him, but at the same time, he was going to miss him a lot.

"yeah, we could use some help." tyler finally said, smiling a bit. they all grabbed another box and made their way outside once again. after a little bit, everything was in the truck and they were ready to leave.

tyler started saying his goodbyes to everyone. he said goodbye to madison and zack so far, it wasn't that hard. saying goodbye to jay was actually harder than he thought it'd be. but, once it came to his parents though, they were both less than thrilled to see him leave.

"bye mom, i'll miss you. i love you." tyler said, wrapping his arms around his mother and hugging her.

"i'm going to miss yo so much, sweetie. you're actually moving out this is so... amazing! but it's terrible... you're finally growing up." she said, a content sigh following it. tyler could feel his eyes start to water a bit, he didn't think it would be this emotional just to say goodbye. it's not like he was leaving forever.

after tyler and his mother talked for a bit, mostly just trying to calm each other down, tyler went on to say goodbye to his father.

he took a deep breath before starting. "i'm going to miss you. i know i'm not your favorite, and that you don't exactly love the idea of me moving in with my boyfriend, but i'll still miss you, dad. i love you." he said, sounding pretty unsure as he spoke.

"son, i don't have a favorite. i love you just as much as i love mad, zack, and jay." he stopped for a minute, thinking. "and yeah, honestly, i'm not too happy that you're moving in with your boyfriend. but that's only because i care about you. i don't want you to get hurt. josh seems like a good kid though, i don't think he would ever hurt you." his dad glanced over at josh who was just talking casually with jay, a smile forming on his face as he looked back at tyler. "and you know what? i wouldn't mind if you guys ended up together... josh, he's someone that i'd want to marry you." he finished off. "i guess i just wasn't ready for you to grow up and leave so soon..." he whispered the last part, his smile fading the smallest bit.

by now, tyler had a few tears running down his face, he was okay with that though.

after a ton of 'i love you's and 'i'm going to miss you's, tyler and josh were getting into the truck, both smiling.

"i didn't think this would ever really happen.." tyler said quietly as they left. he reached over and took ahold of josh's hand that he wasn't using to drive, lacing their fingers together.

"me either, baby boy, but i'm glad it did." josh said simply. glancing down at their hand with a smile, he thought about what was to come of their future together.


this was much longer than i thought it would be tbh. but at least that makes up for not updating??? i'm really sorry about that too tbh. i just couldn't bring myself to update. it's a long story tho.

new cover btw yay

thanks for reading, ilysm.

side note lmao-- i'm like 99000% sure i'm going to do a sequel. ((no one's gonna read it tho))

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now