forty six

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"i think we should just stick to one for now, baby boy." josh said, shaking his head as a smile crept across his face. tyler always made him smile, he was so adorable.

"fine," tyler jokingly huffed, starting to walk. there were so many pets through out the whole building. he started swinging their hands a bit as they walked, studying all of the cats and kittens carefully. this was going to be hard.

"do you want like, a specific color or something? type of cat?" josh asked tyler, attempting to help. tyler was looking around like a kid in a candy shop, he was beyond happy right now. never having a cat before didn't really help, but he'd figure everything out.

"i don't know.. i don't really want an older cat though, i want a baby cat or something. a kitten." tyler tried to explain to josh what exactly he wanted. josh nodded understandingly even though he barely understood.

"white ones are really cute though. i heard they-" tyler stopped talking when he saw the most adorable kitten he had ever seen. josh looked over to what tyler was looking at and 'awed'. now he understood why tyler couldn't finish his sentence.

"i know which one i want." tyler said, grinning as he turned to look at josh.

"do you want to see if you can play with him before why actually get him?" josh asked, making tyler nod before he could even finish his sentence.

"yes please." he said, staring back at the little kitten. it was tiny and all white with adorable blue eyes. it was the kitten tyler had always dreamed of having but never could.

the boys walked around a bit until they found someone that worked there. they asked if they could play with one of the kittens. then they lead him over to the one they wanted and the person happily got him out. he took the kitten to a room where tyler and josh could play around with him a bit before they actually bought him.

he explained the few rules and then let the boys inside. tyler dropped josh's hand to run over to the little cat. he picked him up and started petting him, giggling as he did so.

josh watched and awed at the sight. it had to have been the cutest thing he's ever seen. he walked over and sat down next to tyler, smiling to himself.

after a half an hour or so of just messing around with the cat, they had made their decision. tyler was already pretty sure he wanted the kitten, but now he was one hundred percent sure he wanted the white kitten. josh knew that he wanted the kitten too, he would make tyler happy. therefore, he made josh happy.

"do you want to go sign the papers?" josh asked, grinning as he spoke. he already knew the answer to this.

"please." was all tyler said.

josh went over and told them that they would like to adopt the kitten. both of the boys left the room and the person entered. they got the white kitten and brought it out, placing it back in its home so they could sign the papers and such first.

"follow me, please." they told josh and tyler, starting to walk. they took them to the front desk and started gathering paperwork.

"sign here," they pointed to a line. "here." they pointed again. "and here." they pointed to a final line and then turned the page.

the person gave a long two minute speech about proper pet care and necessities and such before telling them to check a box and sign once again. so they did. josh did most of the signing, tyler did most of the reading.

"okay, we're all set. i'll go get him for you guys." they said with a smile, turning to walk away.

tyler turned to josh, grinning happily. josh did the same. he reached for tyler's hand and held it tightly as they waited for the white kitten to arrive.

finally, they returned with the kitten and handed him to josh. his smile grew as he toiled down at the cat in his arms. he was all wrapped up in a blanket and ready to go.

"thank you so much." tyler told the employee as they left the building. the boys walked over to the car and josh handed the kitten over to tyler, who happily took him. after that, josh got in the drivers seat and began to drive home.

"so, have you thought of any names for him?" josh asked tyler.

"i was kind of thinking of sushi." he answered.

"tyler, you don't even like sushi." josh said, confused.

"yeah, but, i like rice. rice is white. and cat like fish, fish is in sushi. see, it works." tyler said, nodding confidently. josh thought it was a strange name for a cat, but he wasn't going to question it any further.

"he's a great addition to our family." josh heard tyler mumble as he looked down at sushi, petting him gently. it was adorable how gentle tyler was being with the cat. he was acting as if one wrong move would damage him.

"josh, tyler, and sushi. sounds nice." josh agreed.

"perfect." tyler added.

once their conversation was over, they were already pulling into the parking lot of the apartment building. soon, they made their was upstairs, tyler took his time to make sure he didn't hurt his precious sushi. they went inside their apartment and placed sushi carefully down on the couch. he was now sleeping. he was almost as cute tyler when he slept, or at least josh thought so.

they decided it was best to sleep now, considering it had gotten quite late and josh did have work tomorrow. so the boys got changed into pajamas and crawled into bed with each other, and that was the end of their day.

they had started their own little family and neither of them wanted it any other way.


i feel so bad for not updating for like 5 days honestly.

i just have been so sad and emotionally unstable. but whatever. i'll be fine.

so here's a longer chapter. i hope you guys actually like it

also, i'm going to be editing the previous chapters bc there are so many spelling errors and stuff omg.

anyways, thanks for reading, ilysm.

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now