seventy seven

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the next day, josh was at work once again and tyler was sitting in the living room by himself. he had his laptop out as per usual. now that his college plan was finalized, he'd need to figure out their living and financial situation. it wasn't going to be easy.

they had been looking at apartments in new york lately. they weren't cheap, and there wasn't a lot for sale at the moment. he could get a dorm on campus, but there would be no room for josh or sushi. that was kind of a problem.

aside from apartments, they'd both probably have to get jobs. college would get expensive. with all of the books and supplies and such, they'd need everything they could get. josh would have to quit his job and start a new one. tyler would just have to find a whole new job. and tyler wasn't really the most sociable person ever.

tyler closed out the tab for apartments and sighed. he opened a new tab for jobs near his campus and began scrolling through them. it didn't take long before tyler saw the one he knew he wanted.

there was an opening at a preschool. this seemed like the perfect job for tyler. before he moved in with josh, he would baby sit kid's on the side. this would also help as some experience for when he became a teacher.

within minutes, tyler was on their website, filling out an application. it wasn't long before he was turning it in, either.

tyler was honestly surprised to have found something he'd actually want to do so fast. he couldn't wait to tell josh when he got home.

tyler opened a new tab once again and went back to apartments, browsing around so him and josh could discuss when he got home. around an hour or so later, josh was home and settling down with tyler. they sat on their bed now, under the covers with each of their lap tops on top of them as they silently typed away.

josh was on the website tyler had been on earlier, scrolling through as he looked for a job as well. josh didn't find a job as soon as tyler did, but eventually he did.

"hey ty," josh caught tyler's attention.

"what's up, babe?" tyler asked, popping his head up for his computer screen.

"there's an opening here." josh pointed to the screen. "i like it. i'm going to apply there." josh nodded.

"the zoo?" tyler questioned.

"yeah." josh answered. "i don't know if you can tell, but i really like working with animals." josh shrugged.

"yeah, i've noticed, j." tyler giggled a bit as he shook his head.

the conversation pretty much ended there. josh and tyler both went back to their separate screens. josh was busy applying to the nyc zoo. while tyler was doing various things. researching what books he'd need, still looking at apartments, and also on twitter but that doesn't matter.

"what about this?" tyler turned his lap top to face josh. it was showing a two bedroom apartment. it was rather reasonable and already furnished.

josh grabbed the lap top and skimmed over the description and such. he clicked through the pictures and then nodded approvingly. "that seems pretty good. can you email the landlord and make sure everything is correct? and that it would be move in ready." josh asked.

tyler nodded, picking the lap top back up and typing away once again. the boys were soon finished what they were both doing and put their laptops away. they leaned into each other, tyler in josh's arms as they laid down.

"shit, i never thought we'd make it this far," josh grinned. "but i'm glad. now all we have to do is pack our stuff and get to new york, baby boy." josh leaned down, running his fingers through tyler's hair.

"me either... i'm so excited though. this is like a dream come true and i'm so happy i'm spending it with you, josh." tyler sighed in content. this was everything that he had always wanted.

"were going to make it. i'll make sure of it. you'll live your dream, ty." josh nodded to himself. he was going to make this happen.


another update bc i'm nice.

but guys... the book is ending rlly soon. i'm serious like there's only a few more chapters wow and then i'll started working on enough and out of the band and possibly a sequel??

i still have to work it out.

thank you all for reading ! ilysm

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now