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josh and tyler stood outside of their new apartment complex. tyler's parents were on their way right now to drop off sushi. and they were beyond excited to tell them all of the good news recently.

tyler and josh had both went to interviews and got approved for the jobs once again. josh was going to start work in two days. and tyler was to start working in five.

tyler was to begin school next month. he had bought books and everything for his fall classes. he was all set. in only a matter of years, he'd be  a teacher with a degree. strange.

their apartment was now fully set up. they had spent the whole week they had been here unpacking to make it perfect for his parents arrival. he wanted to impress them.

with that thought, tyler watched a car pull into the parking lot behind them. which, he recognized as his parents car. tyler gestured to josh and they both walked to it. sure enough, his parents were pulling boxes and so much more out of it. including sushi.

tyler ran over and picked him up in his arms. he didn't like being away from the people—well, animals too—that he loved for a while.

"daddies missed you." tyler whispered to sushi, who was putting in tyler's arms. he stroked the cat slowly, holding him fragilely.

"missed you too, son." chris called from the trunk.

"sorry, dad. you know i've missed you guys." tyler smiled, putting sushi down and back into his cage for a minute. he walked over to his parents, engulfing them in a hug.

"you such a grown up." his mother teared up. "you're not my little boy anymore..." she whispered.

"mom, shh. i had to grow up sometime." he whispered, running a hand soothingly along her shoulder.

"hello, joshua." tyler's father said, turning towards josh now.

"hello, mr. joseph." josh said cheerily. they both extended their hands and shook each other's.

"joshua, son, how've you been?" tyler's mother was now addressing him. her eyes still seemed a bit misty.

"i'm great. tyler and i are so excited. i'm so happy that i'm here with him." josh said, and it was all genuine. he meant everything he was saying.

"i'm happy for you two. we wish you guys the best of luck." she said, walking towards josh and wrapping her arms around him. josh was still getting used to all of this, so he was a bit uncomfortable at first, but he slowly wrapped his arms around her as well. eventually though, they pulled apart. josh stood to face both of tyler's parents.

"would you two like to stay for dinner? i'm sure tyler would love to have you over and show you around." josh said with a warm smile. he was growing more and more comfortable with them. as his boyfriends parents, he thought this would be a good idea.

"of course, that sounds great, son." chris nodded, agreeing on behalf of his wife as well.

"great." josh felt a wave of relief wash over him. it would've been so awkward if they said no.

"let's head inside, then?" tyler spoke up, to which everyone nodded.

they all began grabbing things. josh and tyler's father got most of the items and boxes. whereas tyler picked up sushi cage and tyler's mom got some bags. they walked inside of the apartment building. once inside and upstairs, tyler opened the door and held it for everyone. he then closed it after them and placed sushi down.

as josh and his parents went about putting the boxes and bags in various places, tyler took sushi out of his cage. he held him in his arms before taking him into the kitchen. tyler showed him where his food and water bowls were. then he went to their bathroom and showed him where the litter box was as well. it was almost as if he was tyler's son.

eventually, tyler let sushi down so he could wander around. tyler went to go find the rest of his family. soon, he found that they were in the kitchen. josh was casually chatting with them as he began prepping for dinner.

"hey ty, where've you been?" josh asked as he turned to look at tyler.

"just with sushi." tyler said with a shrug. "what're you making today, babe?"

"prolly just some chicken and pasta." josh shrugged as well.

"yes, my favorite." tyler smiled. he leaned up and gave josh a kiss on the cheek as well. "well, i'm going to take my parents in the other room. maybe show them around a bit."

"okay, dinner will be ready in like a half an hour." josh called out behind his as tyler left the room.

josh put the pasta in so it could boil and then put the lid on top. he used the bathroom and then went into his and tyler's room. he pulled his phone out and put it on the charger. he did a few other things before returning to the kitchen once again. by then, the pasta was boiled and josh began cooking the chicken.

it wasn't too long before tyler was once again coming into the kitchen.

"hey babe, can you set the table?" josh asked without turning around from the stove.

"yeah. of course." tyler said with a nod all though he knew josh wouldn't even see it.

"thanks. love you." josh smiled.

"love you too." and with that, tyler grabbed the silverware and plates and such and walked out of the room. he went to the dining table and began putting everything out, until it looked good.

"dinner's ready." josh called out as he walked in, carrying various pots and pans into the dining room. he placed them down as tyler's parents started coming in.

they all sat down and played their food with silence. but they began talking about various things. all just random.

it wasn't soon before josh decided to stand and give a toast to their new home. after his speech, josh turned to tyler.

his hands began trembling as he got down on one knee. josh reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, opening it to reveal a shiny band inside.


so nervous to post this bc wow it's a cliffhanger for the next book but ya know.

ily and this is theend babes

i'll update this when i upload the sequel (won't be for a lil bit) and i'll update when i post another book

thank you all so much for reading iloveyu all sm

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now