fifty seven

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the next morning was much calmer. neither of the boys were worried. after they were both fully awake, they made their way to the kitchen. josh sat down and ate cereal, meanwhile tyler made some scrambled eggs.

"you have work today, right?" tyler asked, getting a plate out.

"yeah, sadly." josh replied. "why?"

"oh, i told brendon and ryan i'd come over today. i'll probably be home before you get home anyways." tyler shrugged and walked over to the table. he sat next to josh and started eating.

"oh. nice." josh nodded.

absentmindedly tyler and josh took out their phones and went through twitter and such while they ate. until it was time for josh to start getting ready. he stood, put his bowl away, and walked to their room.

josh was midway through taking his shirt off when his phone started ringing. he groaned, pulled his shirt off and then grabbed his phone. he wasn't very pleased when he saw who it was either. nonetheless, he answered it.

"hello." josh answered, no emotion clear in his voice.

"hello joshua, why didn't you return my call last week?" his mothers voice droned through the speaker.

"you never called me, mom." josh shook his head as he spoke, sighing.

"my bad. you're not really that important. i must of forgot." she laughed a bit as she spoke, causing josh to get a bit angry.

"is there a reason you called me? because if there isn't then i'm going to have to hang up." josh said, clearly irritated already.

"of course. why would i bother talking to you if there wasn't?" she sounded pleased with herself. "abigail graduated today, you're obligated to come to her dinner tonight."

"okay, i can. i'll come after work, and i'll bring ty-" josh started by was cut off.

"don't bring anyone. you know how we feel about that partner of yours."

"okay. i'll be there, bye." josh didn't want to get in an argument. so, he simply hung up. she wasn't worth getting angry over. he was happy with tyler, and it would stay that way.

josh made sure his phone was on silent this time and put it down. he finished getting ready and gathered all of his stuff together. once he was done, he grabbed his phone and just turned it off. he was still irritated.

josh walked into the living room where tyler now was. "hey ty?"

"what's up, babe?"

"i'll be home later than usual. probably around like ten? i'll call you after work though."

"okay. why? nothing happened right?" tyler confirmed.

"no, my parents just called and they wanted to see me." josh shrugged.

"oh okay." tyler stood up and walked over to him. "make sure you're safe, please."

"i will. don't worry, baby boy." josh ran his fingers through tyler's hair, a smile spreading over his face. it was as if all the sudden, all of the anger was gone. tyler made it all better.

the two leaned in for a kiss. it wasn't a short one either. it was one that said, "i love you." after their kiss, josh left, and tyler began to get ready to leave.


short chapter but it's kinda suspenseful??

idk. i know what's going to happen tho aye. i'm excited. i'll try to get another update out in the next week too bc this is pretty short.

also new cover !!

thanks for reading guys, and also 100k and 7k ?? that's fucking amazing !? i love you all so much

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now