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- bout a week later -

tyler has almost fully moved in. there were a few boxes here and there, but for the most part, almost all of his stuff was put away and he had practically settled in. him and josh shared a room, and neither of them really minded. in fact, they both loved it.

they were able to sleep together and hold each other ever night, and they didn't want it any other way.

currently, they were both in the kitchen. tyler was sitting on the counter eating out of a bag or doritos, and josh was on the phone ordering some pizza. it was a pretty nice arrangement.

"okay, thank you. bye." josh said after a few minutes, hanging up and putting his phone down on the counter. "it'll be here in like thirty minutes." he told tyler.

"yes!" tyler beamed, fist pumping the air. "what do you want to do in the meantime?" he asked once he had calmed down.

"i haven't really thought about that..." josh admitted, running his fingers through his hair.

"yes, that's exactly what we should do." tyler announced as he hopped down and stood next to josh. josh, on the other hand, had no idea what tyler was talking about right now.

"what are you talking about?" josh asked slowly, raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend. tyler confused him. a lot.

"your hair, we should dye it again. it's like... getting really faded and yucky looking." tyler explained, quickly adding, "no offense."

"none taken." josh shrugged. "but... do you really want to dye it?" he asked.

"well, duh. but if you don't want me to... that's cool." tyler said, his mood fading the more he spoke. he didn't realize that maybe, maybe josh wouldn't want him to dye his hair. he sort of just assumed that he would let him. he shouldn't have just assumed that.

"no, baby boy. it's fine. wanna go get some dye? we have like twenty five minutes until the pizza gets here, anyways." this made tyler's mood brighten once again.

"yes, yes! of course! i love you, let's go." he said, running into their room. quickly, he slid on whatever pair of vans were closest and then went back into the living room. josh put on some shoes as well and then took ahold of tyler's hand.

they both left the apartment, took the elevator down and then got in josh's car. josh drove to sally's and parked. once they were both out, they walked inside and made their way over to the dye aisle.

"can i pick?" tyler asked.

"of course." josh answered.

"anyone?" he asked again.

"yeah. it doesn't matter." josh clarified.

"are you sure?" tyler pushed.

"oh my god, yes. tyler calm down. i'll be fine with whatever you pick." josh said, giving him a quick peck on the lips to reassure him. it worked.

"okay... thank you. what colors have you had before?" tyler asked, wondering. he's only ever really seen josh with red hair.

"i've had purple and green, and now red. obviously." he said, laughing a bit as he spoke. his hair was honestly just a mess.

it took tyler a few minutes to actually pick out a color. it was harder than he thought it would be. finally, he decided on a really vibrant blue. it looked pretty cool on the little hair sample, hopefully it would come out the same color. but tyler would still like josh's hair either way.

"i like it." josh states when tyler showed it to him.

"good because you'll be stuck with it for a few months." tyler said, trying not to laugh.

they stood in line and finally paid before they finally left. the bits got in the car and rushed home, realizing the pizza would've there any minute. a few minutes later they were parking and running inside. they took the elevator, as usual, up the the apartment. who wants to walk up eleven flights of stairs? not them.

right as they turned the corner, they saw someone about to knock on the door. a specific someone who was holding two pizzas. quickly, they walked over to their door and smiled.

"hey yeah, sorry we just went out for like twenty minute or something but here," josh told the person, handing them the money. "thank you." he said, taking the pizzas as he opened the door and walked inside.

tyler followed behind josh, shutting the door after them. he out the dye down on the table and started laughing to himself.

"what?" josh asks as he puts the pizzas down on the table.

"that guy probably thinks we're crazy... like why would you order a pizza, and then leave, and then come back. like we could've just bought one while we were out but- i'm going to stop talking." tyler stopped, coming to the conclusion that what he was saying probably made zero sense whatsoever.

"so, what do you want to do first?" josh asked, motioning in between the pizza and the hair dye.


lol what is this

so originally i wanted to end this at like 30 chapters but here we are at 40 so who knows when this is going to end lmao

okok and let's take a moment here.

this is like #23 or smth on the joshler tag and has over 6000 views. that's freaking awesome. okay like wow. i am just amazed that this actually got somewhere. thank you. i love you. i'm literally screaming rn sorry.

thanks for reading, lysm.

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now