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  • Dedicated to My garden at home

Love, Life and death. Love is something you have no controll over right? An indescribable pull towards another that causes you to act stupid and irrational all for the sake of getting your love returned. Then, eventually, no matter what, you die. No one has controll of when they die or who they fall for right? Wrong. What if I told you that all human life was just another tree with a tiny flower that could easily be plucked and whisked away by the eternal winds? You would freak out right? Well, we have full control of that. Your entire family tree is just another tree in our Eternal Garden where we pick and choose who goes and who stays.

My Father, The one incharge of the garden, told me that all the bad mortals are weeds and that the good ones are flowers. Also, that sometimes the weeds choke the flowers then they wilt and die. My mother's name was Venus and she was beautiful. I've never met her before because she died right after i was born. That's one of the reasons why i'm not allowed to go into the garden. My father's Enemy, Hesikaya, Broke into our garden and tried to destroy our family flower. He got extremly close to destroying us but my father set the 3 guard dogs on him, Destiny, Fate and Wisdom, and frightened him off. But, not before he had already Injured my mother who was by the fountain of life nursing me. By the time Dad got there I was crying on the floor and mom was dead. He vowed to protect me at any cost, and that included never being outside or going to the mortal world. EVER.

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now