Chapter 23- Al La Morto (till death) parto II

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The most gut wrenching smell slaughtered my nose as we stood by the presipis of closure, allowing my eyes to water at the stink. It smelt like rotting flesh and iron, my stomach lurched causing vomit to stop at my throat. I shuddered as it involenterily slipped down my esophagus, burning it as it slipped down. Diana walked inside the dark room, looking around from the shafts in the ceiling to the cold stone floors.

"Mom! Where is she?" Diana turned to him. A smile played at the corners of Hezikaya's mouth.

"In the corner." Hezikaya pointed his long fingers at a corner, seemingly untouched by light for years.

I tried to scream at her as my eyes got accustomed to the lighting. But all that came out were mumbles, distraught mumbles. Diana slowly approached the corners as the light from the torch illuminated the hem of a bright green dress, its edges stained by blood. Diana's mouth twisted into a flickering smile. She narrowed her eyes at the image, which had seemed to shift a leg

Her eyes grew wide and she flung her body around viciously, facing Hezikaya with wet eyes.

"Y-you're lying" Diana stuttered as the smile she once had plastered across her face became frown, a heavy frown as we beheld what was detained seemingly for years.

The leg that had shifted was merely the result of a maggot that made its way out of a piece of skin that was hanging loosely off the bone. The dress was tattered and torn, stained with stale blood and maggot holes. Its red faded hair fell limply over its rib cage, made visable by a tear down the middle of the dress. Its face was like the skeleton i had seen in the chambers before. Jaw set in a smiling position, hallowed eye sockets with bits of moldy flesh still clinging unto it and bone. Lots and lots of bone.

"This isnt funny.. take me to my mother." Diana was ignorant to the fact that teh person that layed there in the corner was indeed our decomposing mother.

"Child dont be foolish and ignorant. She's been this way for 18 years. Your sister has gotten accustomed to it."

A hot tear trickled down my cheek. The images of the skeleton were plastered in the back of my eyelids, at the edges of my ind and in tehh fore front of my haunted memories.

"YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS?" Diana yelled as she turned to me, her voice cracking as tears spilled over and roleld down her cheek.

I tried to mumble im sorry. She hadnt heard me.

"You made me come this way all for nothing?! You knew about this!!" He voice cut through me. She backed her blade and put it at my neck, sinking it into my tender skin, extracting a bit of blood. Sweat dripped from my forhead as she spoke. "I hate you. I hate you and everything you stand for. I shoudl kill you on the spot right now but I wont. Do you wanna know why? Because you are already dead to me. I wish that was you instead of her." She spat her words like poison, making me feel like poison. She stuffed her blade back inside her belt.

I looked around at Ohanzee who had hidden his face from the sight. Hezikaya gripped his face and turned his attention roughly to the corpse.

"No matter what you do I'll always win. You may have gotten away from the torture but she didnt escape death. No one does on my account..."

Ohanzee's face remained like stone. No tears, no look of distress of greif or horror. Just that plain, painful picture he had painted on his face remained. That made me hate him more inbetween me hating myself.

"Diana. Please dont go through with it. He just wants control of our worlds. He'll use your blood to do it and my power after he kills bella. His son, will take up after him." Ohanzee hardly managed to spit the words out when the demons thew him on the floor, commanding him to shut up.

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