Chapter 8 - In direct sunlight.

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The hooded horseman darted after me, almost slashing my neck in a smooth sling of his sword. I barely dodged the attack by ducking under a branch that had loosely hanging  vines thrown about it. A vine unraveled itself and lashed itself at me, entangling my feet in a web of thorns. I cried out and fell to the floor, paralysed by fear and pain.

"Your mine now.." A deep Raspy, devilish voice thundered as massive gloved hands grabbed my chin and raised it slowly. I couldn't scream, I could'nt cry for help. No matter  what i tried my body remained stubborn and silent. I could feel my blood pressure rising and cold sweats rushing up and down my spine. He backed out his blade and released my face, then caressed the cold hard metal and grinned evilly.

He re-cupped my face.

Raised the sword and slashed it across my neck..

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 I took a gasping breath as my eyes flew open and tried to recollect myself. I clutched the grass and looked up at the early morning skies. The sun had not risen fully above the horizon and the stars were faintly visible in the pinkish sky. I looked to my left and saw Elijha, seemingly caught in a blissful slumber with one arm on his stomach and the other behind his head. He looked peaceful with his hair scattered about his face and his calm features. I rolled over and rested my chin on my hands. 

"Elijha.." I whispered. A bit lonely, yet unwilling to go back to sleep. 

"I wasn't asleep.." He spoke as his eyes flashed open.

"But your eyes were closed." 

"Maybe I did doze off for a few minutes. I was watching Ryder to make sure he doesn't steal anything from us.." He stretched his arms and yawned then rested them behind his head.

"Steal what? Our clothes?" I joked. He smirked then reached in his pocket.

"no-" He grunted, while trying to pull whatever it was from his pocket. " This." he revealed the yellow parcel."

When did he take that from me?

"elijha, You need to trust him. Relax. Plus, when did you take my flower?" I attempted to snatch it from his hands.

In a clean swipe he drew his hand back and held it away from me.

"Its not yours. You have yours. I found this one." He carefully began unwrapping it. It was a beautiful Crimson and White flower with Green curled leaves. The crimson was scattered in a pattern of abnormal circles. I scanned the flower with my eyes until I noticed a black spot on the tip shaped like a country. I sat up and rolled back the sleeve of Elijha's shirt.

"Woah what are you doing?!"

Ignoring his question i scanned his arm for a single spot. I found it on his shoulder at the corner, close to his armpit.

"Elijha, this is your flower.."

"It is?" He looked at it then at me. "How do you know that?"

"It has the same birthmark you do. Everyone's flower has the same blemishes the body has." I responded while rollign down his shirt.

"Oh.." he looked back down at the flower then re-wrapped it.

"You think im a theif?" I looked around and saw Ryder, Standing up with his hands, tucked away in his pocket and leaning against a tree. I flushed and stood up, then dusted myself off. 

"Ryder, how long have you been standing there?" 

"Long enough.Elijha found his flower." he stated, then walked closer to me. 

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now