Chapter 16 - Waters of life.

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Ohanzee :

The light began fading into view. My eyes slowly opened as I came face to face with the grey linoleum flooring, stained with a patch of drying blood. I grunted at the raw scent of the place. It reminded me of when I found my mother, tied up, bleeding, beaten and bruised by that monster i called a father. I spat blood that bittered my mouth and sat up, coming face to face with my capturer. His mouth twisted into a smile, decorated by anger and evil. How could my father ever have trusted a sly dog like him?

"Finally awake I see.." Hezikaya stated looking me directly in the eye as if trying to intimidate me. I've had my fair share of lessons from my father, about how to intimidate so i matched his glare equally with a firey evil i could controll.

"I had to be concerned about my own God son's beauty rest. Not that it did you any good."

"How can you just say that?" I spat, trying to out match his glare.

"What? God? I can say it just fine..." His glare out matched mine and I was forced to look away. Maybe it was because he could say such a holy name without even feeling a slight amount of guilt. It sickened me. "All those years of working with the bad side has done me justice I must say," He cracked his knuckled and smirked, the kind of smirk Ryder would give the mortal when he said something stupid and -well- mortal. "I'm a cold hard empty shell incapable of love. I can kill a newborn baby and eat its remains without the slightest form of guilt ever crossing my untouhed soul."

"What about Ryder's mother, you loved her-"

"Shut up you Bastard child!" He threw his sword and it caught me in the leg, blood gashing out through the wound immeadiatly. My face crumpled due to the pain and I threw my head back, tryign to stop myself from screaming. I was disciplined that way. "How dare you speak about Irene. You don't know anything you stupid son of a-" He held his tongue and walked over to me, placing his hands carefully on the hilt of the sword, pressing down on it with a slight pressure, enough to make me wince away from him. "You almost let me loose my temper." he chuckled as he ran his hand against the blade of the sword.

"Your much like your father," He clutched the hilt of the sword firmly and dragged it up and out of my leg, blood and skin spilling everywhere. "But not enough to follow my commands." His boots clamped along the floors as he walked, the sword dripping blood everywhere. I felt as if I were going to pass out. My throat got dry and made a sound, as if it were trying to get moisture from the acid inside my stomach but it burnt it instead. hezikaya was only a blurred distant image.

"I have to keep you alive so I can create my dominion. Do not cross me or you will regret it, like your father.." With those word he slammed the door shut.

My vision separated into 3 hazes until everything went black and my face hit the floors again.


I missed Elijha. I didnt know exactly why I did but I did. An entire day had gone by since his transformation and I longed to see him. I felt incomplete somehow without him here. Maybe because his image, wings, shimmering hair and soft eyes was burnt into my eye lids. Everytime I closed my eyes he was there, staring at me, looking down at me. I hoped he was alright.

Ryders hands snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I trust him so much and Diana. It's amazing how at first he only wanted to rid himself of his scar by presenting me to his father and now? He's practically my mate.

"I can feel your edge from a mile away. whats wrong?" He asked me while nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Im just nervous about everything and I miss Elijha." I complained, he took his head out of my neck as a look of pure disgust crossed his face. "what's with that face?"

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now