Chapter 10 - Ohanzee and Diana

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A glimpse of light radiated through my partially open eye lids. My head ached and my feet felt heavy.  I realised my hands were behind my body, and something was cutting into my wrists.It was scratchy and rough. My eyes fluttered fully open and beheld  wooden floors tightly placed together. The wood was smooth, as if it were sanded. I wiggled my hands and felt a burning sensation, run along my wrists. Rope.

 "are you sure?" A female voice asked.

"Yes i'm sure. not about the boy though. But we need him." A familure silky voice assured the feminine.

"Hm.. we'll just see about that."

"Huntress, no. She's awake."

I flicked my head up quickly, but caught no sight of the speakers because I was soon hit on the head with an object. I saw blackness.


"Why did you hit her?!" the faint sound of a voice slipped me back into consciousness.

" Hm.." A woman's voice huffed. I felt hands touch my face. I slowly opened my eyes and slowly lifted my head towards the hand's holder. Pain surged through my head and settled at the spot where I probably got hit. I moaned and narrowed my eyes. 


"Oh good your alright! Diana, Untie her!" He ordered  a little loudly. I flinched as teh sound made a part of my head vibrate.

"w-who's Diana?" I Probed, as i felt the ropes loosen from my wrists. My knees buckled and i fell, using my hands to support me. 

"Diana, give me something to fix her concussion." He held out an arm and she handed him a liquid. "It's gonna be bitter but your head will clear up in a little while." He put a spoon full in my mouth and I swallowed the bitter fluid. I gagged and smacked my mouth  as the fluid soaked on my tongue. Immediately I felt the spot on my head clouding away. 

"Ugh..that's better." I sighed then lifted myself off the floor. I stood facing him and a female with golden hair tied in a ponytail with a silver headband around her forehead. Her skin was so pale it appeared as a pastel blue colour.  She had silvery cups on her hands and she wore a short dark blue hunter's dress with a golden belt around her waist. To the back of the room there was a male sitting down on a chair, slouching badly. His raven black hair fell over his face, un-similar in colour to the female's. His attire was a full black suit. He looked like a shadow. A positively evil shadow.

"Diana, this is rosabella. Rosabella this is Diana." Ryder introduced us to each other. She eyed me a bit then smiled, and shook my hand.

"Sorry I attacked you earlier. I don't like Trespassers. It's a good thing Ryder was here or else Me and my brother would've slaughtered you."  

I made a nervous chuckle then let go of her hands.

"So Prince Ryder, you never told me what you were doing here?" She chimmed, rather perkily. Why did she just call Ryder prince?

"I need a weapon."

"for what?"

"To bring down the Tyrant Hesikaya for murdering my father. King of the garden of Life.-atleast he used to be" I chimed in. Determined to retrieve the weapons and relieve my world of that demon mad man. 

her eyes opened wide and her brother looked up then shot her a glance. "You've come to the right place. Princess or the garden."

"Where's Elijha?" I asked her while staring at a picture on her mantle.

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now