Chapter 14- Puppet master

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After we had thanked Aarif for his services we were getting ready to find away back to the ground. Elijha was walking strongly behind us with a smooth swiftness that I found incredibly sexy. His wings made gentle flaps as he walked and personally I found him to be the most perfect angel in the entire complex.

"Are you sure your fine?" I asked him once more, still unable to grasp the fact that he was practically cut open, oozing blood, sprouting feathers and he still didnt have a scratch on his radiating body. He chuckled and placed a reassuring hand over my shoulders.

"yes im sure." He chuckled as we progressed through the halls, approaching the main entrance.

A female angel with wings of fire stopped us as we were about to push the golden gates open. Her face was like stone as she looked down at us, all except Elijha who had seemingly grown a few more inches since his changing.

"I'm sorry princess but the Cherub must stay here."

"Why? Who said so?" Diana retorted white slowly taking her sword out of its scabbard.

"Diana please." I whispered, while trying to keep the piece between them. "We'd like to talk to Aarif."

"Very well then. Messenger, Mercury, come quickly. The princess would like an audience with Aarif."

A small man with winged sandals and a rod with a bag flung over his shoulder nodded and dashed around the complex in search of Aarif. After about 3 minutes Aarif was standing infront of the fiery-winged messenger and mercury was floating behind me, playing with my tresses.

"Yes Evangeline?" He asked her, looking tired behind his white bearded face and lined eyes.

"I told them that they have to let him stay. They requested an audience with you."

"Are'nt you supposed to deliever good news?" He chuckled, almost to himself as he turned to us. "Yes it is true, your friend must stay to undergo training and be educated about his Angelic form."

"What?! How long is this going to take?" I snapped, astounded by this discovery.

"About 200 years."

"your lying to me."

"Angels cannot lie my darling," he squeezed my cheeks together with his fingers "it wont be long, trust me."

I looked around and saw a startled Elijha, with a blank expression as if trying to recollect his senses. I swallowed a knot of frustration that lodged itself in my throat.

"dont look so cross. He'll be out before you know it. Guarding his host."

"Host sounds demonic." Diana stated, her hands placed on her hips.

"that makes 2 things then." Elijha mumbled. I chuckled at his sly comment.

"Diana, you know what is demonic. After all you grew up with the king of shadows." Aarif stated. I was almost sure contempt crossed his aged face for a moment.

"She is nothing like her father." I stated, embrassing our newly found sisterhood.

"A world of knowledge will be opened to you my son." He placed his hand on Elijha's strapping shoulder, completely ignoring my last remark.

"What am I supposed to do without him?" I asked helplessly, as he led Elijha away on an imaginary leash.

"You'll survive my dear." With that final remark he shut the door to his training grounds.

I noticed Diana smirking through the corner of my eye, then, her face got serious and she turned her head lazily towards me. Loose hair at the front of her head blew in a strange wind.

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now