Chapter 1: An Average day

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"Rose, Rose, Rosabella. Time to wake up." A sweet voice cooed while rubbing my Silk covered shoulder against my warm peach pillow. 

I slowly opened my eyes as i heard my drapes being pulled open and the sunlight filtering through my white framed window. I felt something hard and bulky underneath my shoulder.

The book! , I slipped it underneath my pillow meticulously as my nursemaid stared out the window.  She wasn't usually fussy but if she found me with her Midnight Sun book, she'd have a fit, and wouldn't hezitate to tell my father. It was a romance novel filled with erotic scenes and romantic non-sense. But we all need to have some romantic non-sense in our lives sometime? Escpecially me, because I was trapped inside this house, not by chains or by dragons, but by the fear that I may get slaughtered as soon as my toes touch the grass.

Slowly i raised my back off the bed, yawned then rubbed my eyes and faced my nursemaid. Another boring day, I thought then mentally sighed and glanced out my window. The view outside my window was of the east garden. It was the most beautiful sight, capturing cherry blossoms, orchids and the Fountain of life in a single frame. Humans,  as corrupt and disgusting as they were, had beautiful souls. most days I'd watch The gardeners work tirelessly pulling out weeds and collecting the dead souls of mortals, allowing them to be brought to their destination by the Eternal winds.

"Goodmorning Ivy." I smiled then ran my fingers through my thick red hair. She turned to me and smiled then helped me off the bed by holding my small pale hands.

"It's time to get up dear. We have a busy day ahead. Learning, washing, cooking and my favourite part, Dressmaking!" She shuffled over to my wardrobe and opened the white oak door by holding the golden handles.

"So when are we going to get to the interesting part?"

"Of what dear?" She took out a dress then scowlded at a loose thread. 

"The ways of the Gardeners. I hardly know my own history. I want to explore, be free, fall in-love and then maybe-" 

I cocked my head to the side slightly as i watched her pore over my multitude of dresses.

"Why, whatever are you doing?"

She ran her hands over them until, eventually, she stopped and pulled out a peach organdy dress with silk dangling from the waist then tucked firmly in the middle of the dress' waist by a green emarald framed with a golden design. "This one is perfect!" She squealed then layed it on the bed while beaming over it.

" What are you waiting for? Lets get in the bath." She grabbed my hand then gently pulled me into our bathroom, closed the door then pulled the rice paper screen infront of me as I stripped.

" Ivy, don't we have anything else we can do today? We do this every day.." I stated trying not to complain. 

She sighed, turned on the tap, then ran her fingers through the water as it filled the enormous pearl encrusted bath.

"Now, I know that i'm not allowed to go into the garden but what if you took me?" I suggested, then made my way into the bath and sank down in the lukewarm water. 

"Now, now Rosabella," Ivy began as she filled up a basin with water, matching the bath, then slowly poured it in my hair. "You know i can't do that. What if somethign were to happen? Sit up dear."

" But that was 18 years ago and I strongly doubt Hezikaya is coming back." I complained then held up my arm so that Ivy could wash it. The soap smelled of Coconut and Strawberries. I tried my best not to dip my face into the bath.  "I mean, I feel like im meant for more than being an average maid, or princess trapped in the tower of Druids."

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now