Chapter 2: The Anniversary

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A woman was running through the woods with a baby in her hands while her cloak was flying behind her. She was being chased by a man on a black horse with a large frightening sword swinging it at her. I began chasing her down but i just couldn't get to her. She was panting and breathless while clutching the baby to her breast.

The horse cruhed leaves beneath it's hoofs  and the man drew it to a hault. It neighed as it stood on its hind legs then shook its mane.

The woman was bent behind a fallen tree and began to uncover the baby's face. The man with the sword came up behind them and raised his sword, ready to slice.

"Behind you!!" I screamed, but all in vain.

It was as if they couldn't hear me. He brought it down on the woman, slicing her arm with a swing of the sword. She gasped and blood rushed to the surface, staining her dress. She desperatly ran towards a fountain where she collapsed and the baby flew out of her bleeding arms.

The baby layed there crying on the floor, reaching out for someone to hold it. I ran over to the baby and bent down, but, before i could pick up the child the swords man came over to me and took a swing at me...


I flew my eyes open while gasping and clutched the bed sheets. I sat up then felt my face, arms and stomach. I sighed with relief. It was only a nightmare. I put my hand to my heart and felt it pumping rapidly inside my chest. I know it was just a dream but it felt so real to me and awfully familar. I spun around and layed my feet down on the marble tiled floors then bent forward trying to regain my calmness. The door slowly creaked open and I directed my attention to an astonished Ivy standing in the door way.

"Oh good, you're up." She walked over to me then felt my forehead. "what's wrong Rosabella? Are you sick? You look dreafully pale."

"No. I just had a bad dream." I said as i sat up slowly.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"No. Sorry.."

I slowly raised my body off the bed and shuffled past her into the bathroom then closed the door. I just wanted to bathe myself today. I turned on the water then began to strip. My fingers touched the surface of the water. It was relatively warm and the bath was already three-quarters full. I turned of the tap and sunk into the water. Sweet relief.

I thought back to the book. Elizabeth always had Aries to comfort her, even if he was a tough brute. My face crumpled. I'd never find my Aries trapped inside here. Maybe I should run away? 

After my bath I wrapped my towel around me then took a dress from my wardrobe. It had a lace collar and a pearl belt around the waist. It was light in colour and simple in design. I touched my neck and ran my hand along the lace. I wondered if it would get ruined when I would try running away after the ceremony. I Went to my wardrobe and stuffed clothes in a bag I found in the corner of the room.

At Midnight.

"That was your mother's favourite dress."

My hands went to the bag and pushed it under one of my pillows in panic. I looked around and saw Ivy standing in the door way like earlier this morning.

She walked over to me and sat me down on the stool infront of the mirror. "perfect for the anniversary.." she began as she gently de-tangled my hair. "and for your birthday. Happy birthday love."

I smiled and said thankyou. She did my hair in a loose braid then placed roses in the braid.

"this was your grandfather's life." She said as she placed one white rose form a box in the braid. "your grandmother's life." She placed another. "and lastly-" She took a peach rose from the box and placed it at the front behind my ear. "your mother's." I turned to her and she beamed at me once again. "The memorial will take place in the garden."

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now