Chapter 4: A New world

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I slowly opened my eyes and stared at an unfamilure ocean blue wall. I turned my attention to the sheets which were adorned in patterned plaid blue. "Where am I." My voice was breathy as panic washed to the surface. My feet came to life and threw themselves to the other side of the bed. My head spun wildly as a dreadful pain hammored against my temples and I brought my fingers to the tender spots. After recovering slightly from the pain, I stumbled out of the bed stared at the awfully decorated room. 

"Where am I!! I-I have to get home.." My voice rang unfamiliar in my ears as entered the hall ways and I crashed into a piece of furniture.

"Woah woah woah, what are you doing?" A voice, panicked, tired and male,called out to me from seemingly no where.

I screamed and stumbled back into the room, hitting the my heel against the foot of the bed. He ran up to me and covered my mouth.

"shh,shh,shhh!!! Do you want the neighbours to hear you?" He semi-whispered.

I flopped down on the bed and breathed heavily through my nose. My panic evoloved into confused anger as my mouth registered his callused hands on my lips.

How dare he touch me.

"Now, I'm gonna let you go and your gonna tell me who you are. no screaming; just words." His hazel eyes shone like stars resembling the way my father's did many years ago. The early morning lights danced in them, bringing flecks of orange and gold as he stared intently into my own.

He slowly uncovered my mouth and stepped back. He had only gotten 3 steps away before I looked up then lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. He landed with an audible thud but did not wince, only stared confused and rather terrified.

"Who are you? Where's my parsel!!" I yelled while balling his shirt into a fist. 

"E-easy easy..My name is Elijha Carter and I have nooo idea what you're talking about." His hands were gesturing subtly by his side as he spoke.

I pushed him harder to the ground.

"Don't play dumb with me mortal..where is it?" I hissed between my teeth. 

"Mortal??..and oh you mean that cloth thingy. I know where it is. But you have to promise me no more jumping on Elijha. " He smirked.

I scoffed. I figured it was a fair trade for something so valuable. I eased myself off him and watched as he dusted off his shirt, paying no attention to the stain on the end of his sleeve, then led me to the door way.

His head was set straight ahead and I was almost positive he thought I was crazy. He adjusted his jaw and sighed. I gazed intently as he reached for a set of keys on the hook behind a door then grabbed the handle and threw it open. A metal monster stood in the pathway with bars of silver lining the front and transclucent glass like eyes staring in 4 directions. I gasped and pulled myself behind a column. My hips knocked 2 glass vases into eachother as I moved and He spun around.

"What is that?" My red hair flamed in a small rush of wind. Ivy used to say that my hair resembled different fires at different times of year; A small candle for autumn, A raging fire for spring, A fireplace in the summer but my hair in winter was too hard to describe. 

"This?" He asked pointing at the monster with a single silver key.


"It's a pickup truck..never seen one before?"  His eyes danced with amusement.

"no. What does it do?"

"It drives you places.."

"Drive?" I stepped out from behind the column, still hiding in the case of emergency.

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now