Chapter 18 - pre- battle Termoil

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My eyes fluttered open and a dim light greeted me from behind grey drapes. My nose burned due to the ashy smell of the room. I yawned and sat up, kicking my feet off the bed. It had been awhile since I had actually slept in a bed, but this one was as hard as nails. I looked across the room at Elijha who was sleeping on a chair, his wings moving steady like his breathing. He looked peaceful. Diana was in the bed next to mine her eyes wide open with circles underneath them.

"Diana are you alright?" I asked her, slowly raising off the bed.

"I just couldn't sleep last night. I miss my brother."

"After today we'll walk away from this and you'll see him. We'll see him. Even if he is purely evil." I rested my hands on her bed sheets.

"You don't understand how evil looks Bella. My brother isn't evil.." She swallowed hard then sat up.

"We'll get through this Diana. i know we will." I scooped her into a big hug, wiating on her to hug me back. After a little while her hands rested on my back and she held me tightly.

"Our mother. we're going to find our mother." She mumbled, her voice sounding almost Hysteric.

Guilt gnawed away at my chest and my stomach curdled.

"Diana, about our mother-"

"It's exciting right? I'm going to get to see her." She cut me off, blabbing on and on about what she will do for her mother and with her mother, or should I say OUR mother. Elijha let out a snuffle and shifted his position in the chair. His wings flowed over the seat, moving to the pace of his heart.

A hand rested on my shoulder, gripping it firmly. In a smooth motion I spun around, my eyes scanning up until I beheld a face.

"Hey Ryder. You're up early.."

"I wasn't asleep." He kissed my forehead then stroked my cheek. "How could I sleep with an angel in the room."

Elijh groaned and rolled over then sat up, his wings extending far past his body. "Sorry I disturbed you with my presence"

"Isn't it too early for sarcasm? and I was talking about Rosabella." Ryder retorted, dropping his hands by his side. "I'm going to see if I can get some food in me before we go." His feet made the ground creek as he moved down the stairs, spiraling into Oblivion.

"I'm going to bless the water and go take a shower." Elijha stated, rubbing his eyes. They had small dark circles underneath them.

"Bless the water?" Diana snorted, glaring at him with a doubtful eye.

"Yes, because unholy water turns my skin the colour of soot." He anwered, avoiding her gaze, looking at me the entire time. His eyes sunk into his skull then he lowered his lids. There was pain beneath them. I opened my mouth to say something, but by then he had already slammed the bathroom door shut. Diana, oblivious to what had just taken place in the room, sat on the bed, knees folded to her chest, staring out at the blood red sky.

"Isn't there any way to contact him Diana?"I asked her, Taking a seat beside her on the bed.

"There is one way." She dove down into her utility belt and uncoveredan orb. It was swirled with green and dark green with a tiny crystal inside. " This is a-"

"A crystal messaging ball! I used to have one. it was my moms."

"Is our moms and what if he isn't home?" Her golden hair terraced over her face as she brought her head to glare into her lap.

"He will be. Just keep positive." I touched her hand that was placed on the orb. She gave a quick smile then ran her hand along one of the raised swirls.

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now