Chapter 5- Confession

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My  feet dangled off the edge of the cliff as i stared blankly across the rippling ocean. The colours of the sky reflected in the water and reminded me of the view outside the tower of Druids. But unlike the princess I was free to rome beyond the seas and across the land.

The salty breeze was cool and I closed my eyes to bask in a truely unforgettable moment. The sun never set like this in Hortus, I thought, It couldn't possibly be so peaceful.

" It's beautiful." I said and opened my eyes in time to see Elijha staring down at me.

Elijha adjusted him self next to me then followed my gaze across the ocean.  "Out here you have the best view of the ocean and the sunset." He adjusted himself on the ledge then leaned forward and began again. "I love it here..You can even see dolphins sometimes, but thats a long shot." 

I giggled and looked across at him grinning widly across the ocean. "Seems like you love it out here." 

" dad and i used to come out here all the time to fish."  he turned to me.

"Why dont you two fish again?"

"He died 2 years ago.." Elijha's hair flowed in a sudden gust of wind and his eyes got watery but he quickly blinked it away.

"I'm so sorry.." I appologized. "What was he like?"

He then smiled as I pulled my legs to my cheast and hugged them towards my bosum. He moved closer to me then put one of his brown hands over my small pale shoulders. "Look out into the sky. What colour is it?" 

Confused I directed my attention to the sky which was a bright shade of pink, yellow and orange. Each colour was lined out across the sky gently intertwining qith the next.

"Pink,yellow and orange.."


"He was a shapeshifter?!" I yelled in shock.

"No," Elijha chuckled, placing his hands in his face while brushing back his hair. "he was a very layered man. He was very happy and free spirited, Bright and chirpy and very wize and intelligent. He was an amazing father.The only one i ever really had.." His tone was rather wistful.

"What about your mother?"

"She passed away from pnemonia last april."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better I lost my mom at my birth. A man killed her but spared me." I looked across at him. He was staring directly at me smiling.

"Why are you smiling?"

"nothing..You just look nice.." His cheeks flushed a shade of pink and he moved his head to stare out at the ocean. "So how old are you?"

"I just turned 18. How old are you?"

"I'm 19 but I'll be 20 in 2 days."

"Oh thats wonderful!"

"So what were you doing in the sea?"

"I had to run away."

"Why, you didnt like it there?"

"Actually, i'm not exactly sure if i did. I loved it sometimes but I was always controlled and we are in darkness compared to your world.  But that was not the reason I ran away. I had to escape Hesikya and leave my entire village. My father had entrusted me with his life and mine as well. I hope he's still alright from battle." I shoved a piece of hair behind my ear .

"I'm sure he's fine."

"As long as the flower stays safe he will be.."

The sun set behind the water and the moon rose, illuminating the ripples in the tides. You could see small silvery fish swiming around beneath us. It was so beautiful. We only had fish ponds at home with fish not as beautiful as these. Elijha chuckled and leaned forward on his lap.

"My dad wasnt all good you know...He was pessimistic as well and he was pretty impatient. His death was no one elses fault but his own." Anger crossed Elijha's usually calm front. "If only he was patient and didnt touch that stupid gun and waited on the specialist, he would've been alive. He just lit up like a christmas tree when he claimed he fixed the trigger. I step outside the house for 10 seconds and I hear an explosion. When I look back inside he shot him self in the leg because the damn trigger wasnt working!!  I mean it was bad enough he got shot but  To die with it?.."

His voice cracked and i knew he still felt an impending heaviness when ever he thinks of the situation. I wish i could remember my mom. So badly I wish I could. Elijha, although he has no parents, is lucky that he can remember them.  

"I'm sorry." I placed a hand on his shoulder and i felt him shudder then calm down. 

"Do you wanna head back home?"

I nodded and he led me to the car. 

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The drive home was silent. It seemed as if he was still angry about his dad. i wish I could tell him what i knew about his dad. That the only reason his dad died was because of an accident in the garden. One of the dogs had gotten loose and knocked over his family tree while one of the attendants were watching the flowers carefully as they wilted. She realised that a flower had been knocked off and she tried to care it, but it was too late.. I felt obliged to tell him. 

"um, Elijha.." I began, fearing if i would only anger him more if i told him.

"uh-huh." He replied as we turned a corner.

"Remember when i told you I was from Hortus."

"Yup. Where is that anyway? Norway? Arizona?"

I ignored his questions and continued my statement, since I figured it would take a whole year to explain that i lived in a parallel universe that controls his. Mortal minds cannot absorb fast enough..

" Well,there we have lots if flowers and everytime a flower wilts someone dies. It can be by accident, or we can pick them on purpose. Yours was an accident. It wasn't supposed to happen that fast but the fates ran over them and chose their own path." 

"Wow bella. That's a great analogy." 

"It's NOT an analogy it's the truth."

"well, an analogy is a situation conveying some similar truth about-"

"I know what an analogy is Elijha. That really did happen."  I widened my eyes at him.

"naaah. that's impossible." He shook his head as he parked the car.

Mortals!! So narrow minded!!!!

"Are you calling me a liar?"  

"No. I just dont believe until i see proof."

"I am the proof. Im a lost princess for crying out loud!"

"No, your just a crazy naked woman i found in a lake." He snapped at me. "In fact? Its kinda dumb for you to tell me that my father was run over by a fictional character." He flew open his door and glided out, then trudged over to the house and pulled out some keys. I followed suit and  pushed open the door after her almost shut it in my face.

"Can't you just believe me!! I've been ignored all my life and i dont know if my dad's dead or alive, I never knew my mom and now you think im crazy/! I didnt want to come here! My dad said this place would be better but its not!! Your'e so confusing and I just dont know where to go?! What to do, or who to trust!! I was actually trying to tell you that your father and everyone else that dies is controlled by me!" My anger burst into tears and i collapsed on a couch.I couldn't believe that i was so stupid to actually think he was going to assist me.

"What? Are you saying you killed my dad?" 

"no. I-It doesnt work like that it-" I moaned, desperate for him to understand. Tears rolled down my face as I looked at his angry intense expression. A knot formed in my throat.

"you know what? forget it. Get out of my house.." he grabbed my arm and threw me outside on the porch. "Don't come back with that bull again.." and with those words he slammed the door.

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now