Chapter 11- Bitter remorse

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   Leaning forward in my Chair I looked out the backdoor, which was left swinging in the wind, and watched them take off into the fog. It was so thick it encircled them almost instantly. I sighed and rested my head on the back of my chair.

"Princess.." I sighed again then cast my shadows back to me, after they had finished repairing the hole in the roof.  I cricked my knuckles and shut my eyes for what seemed like a few seconds. A loud Bang echoed through the now silent house followed by a haunting sound of foot steps. I flew my eyes open and faced the front door. 

Is everyone going to leave my doors swinging like that?

The grayish skin and the piercing eyes seemed all too familiar. An unpleasant chill filled the air, and my stomach lurched as I stared into emptiness known as Hezikaya.

"Did you miss me shadow?" His mouth curled into a sly grin as he pierced me with his stony eyes.

I scoffed and sunk lower into my chair.

"I got reports that my darling niece was here. Where is she?"

"who?" I stared him dead in the eyes. Equally matching his gaze.

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about Ohanzee. You should know better than to lie to your king."

"Your not my king, I'd never stoop so low..." I leaned forward slightly and narrowed my eyes at him, spitting my words in disgust. 

"You will eventually, when I get my prize." He slipped his sword out of it's case and it ignited a blue fire. "Rosabella's head on a stick.." He stabbed the ground, never once taking his eyes off me.

"Am i supposed to feel threatened by this?" I sarcastically asked him, while leaning back in my chair. 

"Your sister has bowed, I think you should do the same, for her sake."

My eyes flew open widely and I cast a shadow to hold his shirt and twist it around in my shadow's arms.

"If you lay a hand on her head my shadows will tear you apart and eat the pieces." I threatened him, feeling anger well inside my throat and my heart thumping roughly against my chest. 

"Foolish boy. Just like your father, you use your evil to control people, you and I are so much more alike than you can imagine. It;s just too bad your precious father couldn't see this transition, I guess he knew it would happen because your name means shadow, and you control the shadows. Evil is in you, like it is in me. Join me and we'll rule this realm and the mortal world. Your precious sister will still be alive if you do."

"My sister is a fool. i am not. I'll never join you." I hissed while allowing my shadow to release him from it's grip.

"I  can also take you to see your mother.."

  I pressed my lips together, flashbacks returning of the night my mother left us. I longed to see her again. A yes lingered at the tip of my tongue. Would it be worth it? 

"no." My responce sounding as bitter as I felt. I wanted to take it back, to say yes and find her, then kill him when I do. But then I'd be just as bad as my sister.

" Your sister is wiser than you. She's chosen to work with me.  I just need to know where they are.."

"I don't know.." I closed my eyes. 

"I know you know.." He stated darkly, I flashed open my eyes as I felt his presence inch closer to me. "I'll squeeze it out of you."

"Don't touch me. I really don't know. She's heading to your palace to hand The princess off to you." Ashamed by my betrayal I looked away from him and down at the floor.

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now