Chapter 6- The beginning✿

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Curled up on the porch, I sobbed continuously though the night.  Around midnight a loud bang came from inside the house and the wall shook.

 He cursed loudly in an agonizing and angry tone.

I jumped at the explosion in his tone and pulled my knees closer to my chest. I thought he cared about me. He thinks im mad and a liar. I dont know which one is worse! As i tried to stiffle the sobs a pain in my stomach knotted up  and remained there, and bounced up and down as i tried to breathe. Maybe I should just go back home? My heart was heavy as i raised my cold body of the even colder wooden floors. The sun was barely coming up from the horizon behind a mountain and i established that it must be day break.  I slowly stepped down teh first step of the house while looking back at it. 

Do i dear leave?  I thought to myself while trying to force myself to stop walking.

I couldn't stop. Why should I care anyway if i walk away? He told me to get out!  teary eyed, I trudged off down the road, unsure of where i was going, yet so sure i knew. I walked for about  15 minutes then stopped at the cliff, where Elijha brought me before our little argument.  I pulled my knees to my chest and thought. I thought about him, about what he said and what i said. maybe I wasn't convincing enough. I shut my weary eyes and layed my head on the grass. 


Thats when I had the dream again. A woman was running through the woods with a baby in her hands while her cloak was flying behind her. She was being chased by a man on a black horse with a large frightening sword swinging it at her. I was chasing her down but i just couldn't get to her. She was panting and breathless while clutching the baby to her breast.  She bent down behind a Fallen tree and  began to uncover the baby's face. The man with the sword came up behind them while holding the sword in the air ready to slice. I tried to warn them but it was as if they couldn't hear me. He brought it down on the woman, slicing her arm with a swing of the sword.  She gasped out and desperately ran towards a fountain where she collapsed.

The baby layed there crying on the floor while fidgeting. I ran over to the baby and bent down, but, before i could pick up the child the swords man came over to me and took a swing at me. I bent down and grabbed the baby then ran into the woods. Trees flew past me and dissolved into shadows as the galloping of a great dark horse was to be heard from all around.  The man jumped infront of me and the moon light revealed his face. 



My eyes flew open and my heart pounded in my chest. i caught my breath and sat up, then stared out into the ocean. I wanna go home and find My dad. I miss him. I felt to throw up as the home sickness absorbed itself into my consciousness. I felt so alone. The tears welled up once more but I soon stopped as i sang the lullaby  once again.

The place is silent,

The grass is bowing,

and the trees are all asleep.

Everything is bowing to the wind.

Silvery moonlight glistens,

against a still blue pond,

all the animals are quiet now,

so hush my little one.

Turn around,

show me the way

 To a brighter day,

Elise Clisté

The sea stood still and the world just, stopped Then in a breif moment the sea opened up and I saw the cave. Do i dear return? Should I jump into it?  Yes, Yes I should... But the package, I dont have it. But I can't stay any longer.. i held my breath then jumped into the opening. as i fell i thought i would;ve crashe dto teh floor of the cave but instead it flipped and i fell into the hole in which i came through. With a splash i landed in a deep water way.  the well. 

i swam across then up until i saw a light. I climbed out, dripping wet and freezing cold. the scene was not how i had left it. The garden was trampled upon, and bodies were scattered all over the grass. Paper and bottles were scattered just like the people. The Dogs were no where to be found. 

"D-dad." I called nervously awaiting his responce.

No responce. I scanned the entire garden until i came upon his lifeless body. I bent down to his level and put my head to his chest. No heart beat. 

"wake up dad." I begged while nudging his cold body. "please get up, I need you."

one tear spiled over. "I cant loose you, not now, not ever!" I broke. My heart ached, my head hurt and my face was burning. Why didnt I just stay here. Maybe i could've saved him! My hair blew in the harsh bitter winds as i looked around. i obseved his body once more and noticed scars and once deep cut in his side.

"Ivy!!" I screamed. No Ivy.

I really was alone. No-one was here.

"What have i done!" i cried out

After about what felt like an hour a hand touched my shoulder.Frightened, I spun around and my face softened. 

it was Elijha.My face hardened and once more, like stone, my heart got heavy.

"What are you doing here?"  I asked him, trying to avoid eye contact.

"I followed you.." He responded unusually shy and he stared down at the ground.

"Why? I thought I was crazy." My voice sounded unusually cold and sharp. 

" Look, I came to apologize alright? " Silence.

"woah, i cant believe where i am.and to give you this.." he held out the package. I looked him directly in the eye and thanked him."WHere am I exactly.

"In Hortus..."   i responded while fumbling with the parsel.

"Um..What happened here."

I sighed and stated in one word. "Hesikaya." I looked down at the motionless body of  my father and touched his face. "Hesikaya is an enemy to this garden. he's been trying to kill my father for years upon years. I'm not exactly sure as to why. Now he's got him, and my mom too." My voice broke and a tear fell upon my fathers face. "He gave me this to keep and told me to dive down in a well till I saw a light. I didnt understand but i did as i was told. i wish I hadn't."

he bent down to my level and brushed a loose strand of hair from my face. "Rosabella, he tried to save you, so that not everything would die. Your his precious flower."

I turned to Elijha and hugged him. His arms wrapped around me and the warmth of his chest felt incredible, indescribable.

"Flower," I mumbled as i broke the heavenly hug and unwrapped the parsel.   There, Laying in my hands was one alive flower and a wilted flower with tears in the stem and petals.  He gave me his life and I ruined it..  I have to make things right. 

" I'm gonna find Hesikaya and bring him down."

" I'll help you.."  

"I couldn't possibly ask you to-"

"Chill. I owe you one." He extended his arm.

I ignored his hand then muscled up some strength,  raised myself off the ground and looked around again. Brambles took up spaces where flowers once were and the fountain stopped spewing water of good fortune and life. The fountain was dead.

"We'd better get moving then.." I said and watched him watch my gaze. We slowly walked out of the garden, leaving the  wilted memories of a place, that once held so much captivating Joy.

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now