chapter 22 - Al la morto (till death) parto I

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In any other situation, I would've found a man riding on a midnight black horse through a labyrinth of hallways with a princess and their guardian enchanting, but living in the enchantment was more horrific and mind boggling. The hallways seemed never to end, and only to branch off into more hallways, with the same pictures and torches, lighting the path. The horses footsteps echoed throughout the hall ways, the sound familiure to the dream I had about Elijha and the horse's galloping echoing through the forest.

My mind came to unsettling conclusions about elijha's disappearance, which I knew was only I side effect from thinking about the dream. I felt a rough tug on my wrists, zapping me out of my Daze.

"Dont drift..." Ryder warned as he looked around the hallway. He glanced down at his shirt then cringed. "I could never hide with all this glittering gunk on me." The blood, which was hsilvery before, was now a merky grey blotch. With golden markings all over it. Including the mark of cain. I knew angels could give markings but not with blood? What had cain done again?

"We're lost Ryder. " Diana stated, leaning impatiently against a wall.

"Really? I had no idea" Ryder tugged the rope again.

"Watch it!" I snapped at him, feeeling a small bone in my wrist shift.

He glanced down at me then back down the hallway. A moment of silence crossed over until a low growl was heard from between the walls.

"Escalabur, easy boy.." Ryder settled the horse who stood up on his hind legs and breyed in displeasure.

"Escalabur?" Diana snorted.

"Even when we're lost you manage to be obnoxious." Ryder said a-matter-of-factly.

I shushed them, attempting to put my finger on my lip. I listened again, and the growl turned into a snarl bearly audiable through the walls.

"Demons.." Ryder hissed as he made a fist, focousing his energy. The cuffs on his hands turning purple.

I drew the hilt of my sword and allowed the vines to rush out of it and bend into a dagger, small flowers blooming haphazardly. I expected a yellowish creaturd with thousands of teeth snd black holes for eyes spitting fire and drooling poison, but Instead of that I got diana, shushing us into silence. Not that I minded, but it killed the adrenaline rush I had, traversing throughout my body.

"That's a shadow growl." Diana whispered to herself. "It could be Ohanzee! Maybe he's found mom." Diana said eagerly, as she pressed her ear to the musty wall. She wiggled her nose then called loudly.


I lunged at her, forcing Ryder forward as I jammed her up against the wall with my binded hands.

"Are you insane?" I hissed at her. "What if its a trap."

"I need to find my brother. Now get off me!" She shoved me away and called him again.

This time the ghastly rattle of chains echoed through thd hallways. Followed by a chocked and hoarse sounding "Megan."

Who is Megan?

"Ohanzee, im coming where are you?" Diana ran her hands along the wall where the sound was loudest.

A mumble was heard, perhaps words muffled by the walls.

"Bella, help please. Tear down the wall." Diana threw her head in my direction, her hair whipping across the air.

I suddenly became bitterly cold. My fingers numbed and my heart flustered.

"B-but. I don't know what is back there. "I weakly retorted.

"Just do it!"

"Elise-" my breath was jerked out of me by Ryder who tugged unforgivingly at the rope.

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