Chapter 7- Unexpected company

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  • Dedicated to Amanda G. Thomas

We weren't exactly sure where we were going, but it was too late to turn back. I had never been this side of Hortus before and neither had i ever seen the plants. We were growing hungry and darkness was falling upon the land. Maybe this was a bad idea? I looked around at strange brambles and oddly shaped branches and flowers.

"Maybe we should make camp, Its getting late." Elijha spoke up finally.

"Okay, I'll get some food." I suggested while trailing off.

He grabbed my hand and said no.

"I'll do it Rosabella. you just start a fire."

I wasnt in the mood to argue with him so I nodded, gathered some twigs and began making a fire. It started up with one spark, then another until suddenly it became a full blown flame. I spotted some dry grass in the corner and threw it in there to keep the fire going. I looked into the dancing flames as I tried to drown out the surrounding noises. Twigs began crunching a a bush rattled.

"It's probably just Elijha." I whispered, trying to recolect myself. I looked around to the dircetion of the sound, but I saw no-one.

"elijha?" I called a little loudly.

The bush ruffled and a hawk hoped out and stood directly infront of me.

"Oh, your just a little birdy." I sighed a sigh of relief as i bent down to the little creatures level and placed my hands down to allow it to hop unto them. It gladly hopped unto my arms and began walking up until it clawed it's way into my skin.

"OW!" I yelled then used one hand to take him off and put him down. he then hopped a good distance away from me before stretching its Wings. A blue light danced around it and in the opposite direction a yellow one. Then his claws became feet and his body became fully human.

I screamed and fell backwards in the dirt, stunned at this Handsome boy in a brown cloak that now towered over me.

"Woah are you okay?" His voice was smooth like silk and decorated with a slightly british sounding accent. His black hair was cut nicely atop his head in a fo hawk sort of fashion.he aproached me and held out his arm. I nervously accepted and stood up then brushed myself off.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing all the way out here?"

"UH, relaxing." I nervously stuttered, paralysed by his eyes that grasped my attention. I stumbled backwards. He jotted over to me and caught me, staring deeper into my eyes.

"I didnt intend on having you fall for me before I knew your name." I could see myself in his eyes.

"Uhuh." Was all I had managed to say. He smirked and flicked me into a standing position.

"My name's Ryder. What's yours?" he sat down in the grass and warmed himself by the fire.

" Rosabella." I responded as I watched the Flames illuminate his Beautiful face. His character was mysterious, yet enticing but somehow familiar.

"thats a beautiful name." HE smiled at me and I smiled back. my face turning hot against the cold weather.

More rustles came from the leaves behind us and a voice calling my name.

"Rosabella, I found some fruit," Elijha began as he stepped out of the bush while looking at his hands covered in strange fruit. "Atleast i think their fruit."

"The purple one with the horns is poison." Ryder chimed in while looking across at Elijha.

"oh thanks." he threw it out, then, with a confused look flicked his head up. " Bella, Becareful! Who are you!?"

He Pulled me behind him with his free arm and stared Intensely at Ryder. Ryder slowly raised off the ground and approached us.

"Rosabella, whats going on?" He asked as he lowered his eye brows and a puzzled expression came across his face. Did he not expect me to have company in such strange woods.

"You know him? Whats going on here?" Elijha snapped his neck to look at me then shot daggers at Ryder, who began to do the same.

"uh..Elijha-" I began while stepping out from behind him. "This is Ryder. Ryder this is Elijha I met him in the mortal world."

"You dont have to explain yourself to him!"

"Elijha!" I snapped. "He's a friend."

His expression softened and he approached the fire, laid the fruit down beside it then sat down and held his hands away from him in an attempt to warm himself up.

"Your friend is a bit protective." He laughed in a whisper. I chuckled and responded I know.

"Would you like to sit by the fire?" I asked him. He smiled and his eyes sparkled in the distant fire. They were beautiful yet filled with a mystery somehow.

"I'd love to." He walked over ot the fire and sat directly opposite of Elijha. I sat on the left of Elijha and picked up a fruit then bit into it. Juice filled my mouth as I bit into the flesh. Silence crossed our campsite as tention hovered above the air and the fire could be seen in both their eyes. The only sounds to be heard were the crackling of the fire and the hooting of a strange animal inside the trees.

Elijha shifted in his position.

Ryder sucked his teeth.

another piece of wood cracked in the fire.

I could feel the tension floating around in the air like a bubble ready to be popped.

I uncomfortably cleared a knot in my throat then opened my mouth to speak up.

"So Ryder, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for adventure." He made direct eye contact with me. "What were you doing in the mortal world?"

"I had to run away from home."

"Why?" His genuinely puzzled expression was enough to make me spill my entire life story.

"My parents were murdered by the Tyrant Hesikya. My dad saved me and sent me to the mortal world where I met Elijha. He took me in and followed me here."

"So why here?"

"We're hunting him down.." I looked away from him, breaking our eternal eye contact.

"I know the location to his castle. I'll help you.." He spat. Elijha looked up at swiftly when he said that then scanned his face with a tense brow. What is wrong with him?

"its alright, I dont wanna put you through that stress-"

He slipped closer to me and cupped my face in his hands.

"What he put you through. It's gonna be worth it." He whispered. My heart fluttered. I pulled away from him and looked at Elijha.

"One minute.." I crawled over to Elijha and he looked across at me. "Can he?" I asked him anxiously while holding his shoulder.

"I dont like the way he looks bella. he looks like the devil himself.." He lanced up at ryder then back at me.

"but he knows where Hesikaya is. Besides, we dont have to trust him."

"Fine. but if he double crosses us then what?"

"I doubt he will. looks can be deceiving.." I looked across at him, remembering how he first appeared as a tiny bird then transformed into a mysterious Man.

"okay. I wont argue..." I hugged him and thanked him then sat back down beside him. "Look Ryder, You can join us.."

I expeced a big smile but instead I got a smirk and lowered eye brows. "I'm looking forward to the journey. " With that he closed his eye, transformed into a bird and flew into oen of the trees directly above us.

"I hope you know what your doing bella." Elijha sighed then rolled over and went to bed.

I hope so too..

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now