Chapter 15- Ashy and forgotten

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Leaves crunched beneath my feet as we troddded onwards into the battle. My lips quivered in the nippy air and my bare arms wore signs of damage. Scratches and bruised lined my arms up and down and showed no signs of sudden healing. My stomach ached as we inched on, getting closer and closer to Hezikaya's castle. It rose up from the hills like a stoney mountain, windows gleaming in the bright radiating sunlight. 

"You look hungry.." Diana stated, she narrowed her eyes at me, examining my forefront. I shrugged my shoulders and narrowed mye yes at the beating winds. 

"Well we dont have time to stop to eat, we're here." Ryder stopped on a hill, just before the entrance of the grand castle. The place seemed unguarded except for a few strange looking stone gargoiles that lined a high black gate.  "I can finally return home..." 

Diana paused and she took a small gasp of air, as if she had been holding her breath all along.

"Im ready to find Mom Rosabella. im ready fo him to tell me where the hell is my mother." Her hands gripped the end of her sword and she bolted ahead. Not stopping even once to look back. 

"Diana wait!!!" Ryder called out to her as he snatched my hand in his and bolted towards her. She stopped by the gate, breathless and panting. 

"I can't believe this is where you grew up...This is your home..." I mumbled, almost to myself, but loud enough so only he could hear.

"Yeah..My father should be inside. You remember the plan Rosabella?"

I nodded, a sudden coldness- dispite the already icy conditions- ran up and down my spine, causing hair bumps to run a muck on my skin.  Was I really ready to face the root of all evil? My breath caught in my throat and latched there. 

He held out his hand to open the gate but something, like an invisable forcefield prevented his hand from getting too close to it. His eyes widened in a shortlived surprize as he banged the engergy once more.

"The place is charmed.."  he whispered, in disappointment.


"By my father..he knew we were coming.."

"Guess he didnt expect this!" Diana yelled as she plunged her sword into the forcefield. It was lodged there, refusing to let go of the dome.

"Diana, did you seriously think that-" His voice was cut off by a rumbling sound coming from the invisable dome.  Cracks began appearing all over until finally it shattered, sending invisable shards of glass everywhere. One flew past me and slit my cheek, ryder's neck had 5 slits lined across it, as if it had been drawn on to make me feel better. Diana's threw her arms over her face, allowing her bare arms to get the blow of splinters. The cuts began stinging and my face went numb for a breif moment before returning to normal. 

As the walls crumbled a new image was formed. One with a building Charred black , half of it torn away by years of abandonment. The gargoiles were now only shattered busts covered in soot. The air reeked of dust and smoke. Pages from books were scattered on the lawns, some browned by age. A gentle wind blew past us and ruffled my hair, imparing my vision.

"he's gone.." Ryder fell on his knees, staring in disbelief at his dilapadated home.

"Ryder, I-I I'm sorry." I attempted to touch his shoulder but he snapped at me.

"Don't touch me.." His voice sounding darker than it had been since the first day we met.

"Diana?" I turned to her, her cheeks began flushing pink and her nose a burning red colour. I silenced myself.

It doesn't make any sense.  How could he just move away so quickly and burn his castle without a second thought. 

"the Ashes, they arent fresh." I heard diana state, her voice tearing through the bitter silence. She rubbed her fingers together as she spoke. They were black from the soot. 

The Immortal Gardens - Emergent (book 1) (Wattys 2013)Where stories live. Discover now