Chapter 2- What Blooms in Wendy's

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The next few days after the McDonalds incident had been a bit rough on you. Those fries must have sat in the freezer for a long time because you ended up with major food poisoning and was bedridden for an entire week. However, you eventually got better and one day decided to go out for a quick dinner again. Not wanting to risk getting ill from McDonalds food, you decided to try another place. It was a shame the McDonalds that was near you wasn't good. McDonalds just so happened to be your favorite fast food place.

So then you ended up at Wendy's but unfortunately there was a long line going on so you had to wait. When it was finally your turn to order, you couldn't believe what you saw. Straight Brown hair, lean, bright blue-green eyes... it was the same boy that was involved in that fight at McDonalds! What was he doing here?

"Hello, welcome to Wendy's, what can I get for you?"

At first you didn't answer as you noticed some other things. He looked completely different than you last saw him. He didn't have any piercings on, no spiked bracelets, and he was wearing a Wendy's work uniform. You looked at his nametag and it said, "Eren Jaeger". So his name is Eren, huh?

Eren raised an eyebrow when you didn't answer at first. "Umm hello?"

"Huh?" You replied snapping out of it.

"What would you like to order?"

"Oh, a large order of fries and a chocolate shake, please."

"Okay... will there be anything else?" Eren asked.

"Nope, that will be it."

"Alright, it will be ready soon."

"Thanks," You said turning away. But before you started walking you turned back to him. "Say... you look very familiar. By any chance were you at McDonalds recently?

Eren blushed slightly. "Yeah...why?"

You shrugged. "I don't know. A fight went on there and I had to break it up. You look just like on of the guys involved in that fight."

When you mentioned breaking up the fight, Eren's eyes widened. So it WAS you. He knew all along, but at the same time wasn't sure as he had only had a few seconds to look at you when the fight occurred and his brain was fuzzy from being slammed against another human being's head.

"As a matter of fact that WAS me. You're tougher than you look. You nearly gave me a concussion."

You shrugged and laughed. "Sorry, I did what was necessary. I got bored of the fight and decided to do something about it."

Eren raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Well, you definitely have an interesting way of doing things."

"It's just what I do," you replied smirking back. "Say, you look different today. What happened?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Eren asked looking confused.

"Well, your clothes, you're not wearing your accessories, and you just look like a different person."

"Oh, that..." Eren said glancing down at what he was wearing. "Well you see, I'm at work and I kind of have to look more "work-appropriate" as weird as that sounds. If I worked at a place like Hot Topic it would be different..."

"Hey! There are other people waiting here!" An angry middle aged looking man said.

"I'll be with you in a minute!" Eren snapped at him. Then be sighed and turned back to you. "Sorry... we'll have to talk about this later, I'm afraid."

"It's fine, I get it. I should go, I'm holding up the line," you said sheepishly. "Have a good day, Eren." You smiled at him and went to a seat next to a window just like you did at McDonalds.

A few minutes later your order was ready and your number was called. You quickly picked it up and headed back to your seat ready to eat. However, when you grabbed out the order of fries out of the bag, you saw a little note on it with a phone number under the message: Are you free this friday?

Fast Food Fight (Punk!Eren x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now