Chapter 25~Three in One (Final)

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As much as you yearned for the comfort of your own bed, this one seemed just as equivalent. You were so tired. You were grateful to finally have some quiet time. It wasn't long after you closed your eyes that sleep was soon on its way. However, just when you were about to fully doze off, a familar voice took place.


You opened your eyes, at first annoyed that your sleep was practically interrupted but relieved to see that it was Mikasa standing before you. Her face was written with concern seeing you wrapped in several bandages under the gown you were wearing.

"What happened to you?" She asked taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

You gave her a light, comforting smile and waved it off. "Eh just got jumped is all. Nothing to worry about. Did they tell you? You know, what happened and all?"

Mikasa shook their head. "No... they just told me to come as soon as possible. I would have been here sooner if it weren't for the damn snow and traffic jam not far from here." She scoffed in annoyance.

"What can we say? It's not our fault people go hysterical for the holiday season." Both of you had a little chuckle at that.

"I called Eren after I heard you were at the hospital. He should be here at any minute," Mikasa informed you.

"Well I hope he hurries up," you said. "Because there's an important reason why I called you two down here, and it has nothing to do with me."

Mikasa looked at you curiously but said nothing more. So you took that moment to reach under your blanket to pull out the wallet you retrieved earlier but before you had the chance to present it, some paramedics came in, wheeling someone a few feet next to you.


Mikasa noticed this right away. "Eren!" She exclaimed rushing to her brother's side. She placed a hand on his cheek and examined him, also trying to awake him. From your bed, you looked over. For several moments, you couldn't describe how you felt. But in your core, rage was caving in. Who did this? Eren was laying there, completely unconscious. There were bruises and cuts all over him, which only motivated you to heal up faster so that you can track and kill the guy that did this. Was he attacked in the same way you were?

You don't know how much time passed. It was as though everything had slowed down yet was a blur. Mikasa was crying, as the paramedics had mentioned not knowing if and when he regained consciousness. They also mentioned him getting hit by a drunk driver, whom they were treating in another room as a result of a fatal car crash. After everyone had left, it was just the three of you in the room. Silence plagued the whole area. However, a coughing sound occurred immediately bringing yours and Mikasa's attention.

"Eren?" You peered over.

Eren squeezed his eyes shut before slowly opening them. He used a hand to shield them. "Damn... is it just me or is it bright in here?"

Suddenly all the concern you had before all went out the window. So didn't Mikasa's. "Yep... he's back," you said.

"I do admit remembering how nice he is when he's sick..." Mikasa said with a chuckle.

Eren rolled his eyes and laid his head back on the pillow. "I consider myself to be a nice guy, you know."

"Half the time," Mikasa remarked.

You laughed a little and then cleared your throat. "As much as I'm entertainment by this miniature version of sibling rivalry, let's get back to the topic on hand."

"What are you talking about?" Eren asked.

"I have something to show you," you said. You held up the wallet.

Eren's eyes widened. His eyebrows rose. "(Y/n)..."

Mikasa shared the same expression. "How did you get it?"

"I snuck into the Nature Trial earlier. I have to admit, it was dark and creepy, but I knew how much the picture meant to you so it was all worth it." You gave a small chuckle. "I would have given it to you sooner but as you all can see, it's what got me to end up here."

"You went over there at that hour!? What were you thinking!?" Eren said furiously.

"I was thinking you'd be rather pleased. This picture means a lot to you, doesn't it?" You replied as-a-matter-of-factly. You smiled in triumph when Eren blushed, bowing his head down in shame.

"You're right... sorry... it's just that I had lost someone important to me once before... I just don't want it to happen again."

You smiled lightly. "Apology accepted and don't worry, I don't plan on leaving anytime soon as I have so much anime to watch. And besides, even if a bus hit me, I'll forever be haunting you as a ghost." After the three of you got a laugh out of that little joke, you went through the wallet and pulled out the picture. "See? A little damp but still legible. Your mother was so beautiful, Eren."

"She was the best," Eren said, reminiscing to back when she was alive. "To this day, I wish she was here. I know in my heart she would have loved you and even considered you a third child. She always told me... 'Eren, someday you're going to find the life partner of your dreams' and she was right. The only difference was she never mentioned beautiful." He gave you only the warmest smile and tried to reach for you only to fail. His bed was to far from yours.

"Awww you can't possibly mean that!" Your face blushed pink.

Although your side still hurt, you stood and stumbled over to Eren's bed while dragging the IV tube with you. You took a seat and squeezed Eren's hand. The two of you stayed like that for a moment when you felt Mikasa's arms wrapped around you.

"Thank you, (y/n)... for everything. Welcome to the family. We are three in one now."

You felt shocked at the sudden gesture but then relaxed in the embrace, smiling. "It's not a problem. And it's my honor to be a part of your family. This means so much..."

As much as the three of you enjoyed each other's company, visiting hours were soon over and Mikasa had to take her leave. But she promised to stop by tomorrow. After she left, you curled up next to Eren on the bed. It reeked of the smell of hospital but you didn't care. The arm he had wrapped around you from behind was warm and comforting. You both chatted for a bit, you even mentioned the actors that stopped by briefly. Eren seemed to like that story the most. Soon, sleepiness took over and the two of you fell asleep like that.

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