Chapter 16~The Closet Otaku

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"W-what? Of course not! What are you talking about!? I don't even know what an otaku is!" Mikasa laughed nervously and slowly backed into the wall as you approached her menacingly. You lunged forward buried your face in your hair and licked her cheek.

"What the hell!?" Mikasa exclaimed, disgusted. She vigorously wiped your fluids off her cheek with her sleeve.

"You smell and taste like lies..." you said in a low voice. "Now I suggest you tell me the truth." You smirked.

Without another word, Mikasa narrowed her eyes. Then in one motion, Mikasa flipped you. You yelped in shock and groaned when you landed on your back. You dropped the Sword Art Online boxset. Stars appeared on the cieling. You felt a weight on your chest. It was Mikasa's foot, and it didn't feel any better since she had heels on those boots. Once you recovered a little, you lifted your head and stared up at her, taking notice of her intense gaze. But then she bowed her head and started shaking. It wasn't long until you realize she was stifling a laugh. Giggles escaped her, eventually evolving to a loud cackle. You questioned to yourself if this chick was as insane as Hanji. Because honestly, who could have insanity even close to that musical scientist?

You watched with amusement, feeling rather disturbed in her shift of behavior. Mikasa eventually calmed down, however, and returned to her original status. She cleared her throat, looking rather embarrassed with her sudden outburst. Her foot still remained on your chest.

"I'm not the type to admit who I really am to just anyone. If you even clue anyone about this, I'll be sure to skin you alive. But I'll tell you now that Bryce Papenbrook does an outstanding job of Kirito," Mikasa said with a fond look on her face as she thought about that character. Her gaze got hard again, however, and she practically yanked you to your feet. It took you a moment to regain your balance.

"Get your ass back to the kitchen, grab the brownies, and bring it here," Mikasa demanded pushing you towards the kitchen. "I'll get the popcorn and sodas. Today, we will watch as many episodes of Soul Eater as we can and we will keep going until we drop, understood?"

You scoffed. "I bet I can watch a lot more than you. I've pulled up two all nighters just to watch Black Butler." Once you brought the brownies to the living room, you took a seat on the sofa, waiting as Mikasa got the rest of the snacks and beverages. When Mikasa wasn't looking, you smiled to yourself. You had taken a liking to Mikasa. In fact, she kind of reminded you of yourself before you moved in here. You admired her savagery.

After everything was set and the all the lights dimmed, you and Mikasa sat side by side watching all the anime you could nonstop, not even pausing for bathroom breaks. Your eyes stung from staring at the screen for so long. The hours were filled with laughter as well as screaming and throwing popcorn at the screen whenever a character did something stupid.

It was a good day.

Sometime close to midnight, Eren finally came back inside the house. His sister really put him to work! Cleaning out that cluttered garage was exhausting enough, but then he had to shovel out all that snow. Even then, he still wasn't complete with his tasks. He still had to arrange Mikasa's books in alphabetical order but he was just too tired. As he worked the whole day, he angrily thought to himself how he's really done it this time and was paying the price for that damn prank. The more his teeth chattered from the freezing cold, the more he realized it.

Nose red and clothes soaked from the snow, Eren padded over to the living room where you and Mikasa were having your marathon and was about to grab a leftover brownie when his sister smacked his hand.

"Ow..." Eren whined.

"Did you finish your tasks?" Mikasa questioned.

"Well... no...I-"

"Come back when you're done then," Mikasa said coldly.

"Aww come on, Mikasa," you said. It was normal for siblings to get at each other for even petty things but this seemed to be going to far. You winced at Eren's maltreatment. "Your brother has worked hard all day and he's burnt out now. Give him a break."

Mikasa stared at you, briefly looking furious that you were defending her brother for previously doing something unforgivable. What he did, you didn't know. And the more they didn't tell you, the more you wanted to know. It was only a matter of time before curiosity killed the cat.

After a moment's hesitation, Mikasa sighed and her gaze softened. "Fine... you deserve a break, Eren. Here..." She grabbed a brownie and shoved it in her brother's mouth. "There's your brownie. Happy now?"

When Eren had a mouthful of the chocolate material, he nearly choked but then managed to chew and swallow, letting out a sigh of relief. Just that made him feel better from working so much but not eating enough. "Thanks..." He said.

"Don't mention it. But I assume you'll be here tomorrow to finish up, right?"

Eren nodded. "You got it."

Finding the whole situation to be rather amusing, you laughed at the scene, especially when you watched Mikasa shove a brownie in Eren's mouth.

"Now that we got that settled," you said. "How about I prepare some tea?  Is that okay with you, Mikasa?"

"As long as you put double sugar cubes in mine." Mikasa smiled a little.

"Consider it done." You padded over to the kitchen, and within minutes, you were back with three cups of peppermint tea.

"Thanks," Eren said when you handed him the cup. He looked at you like you were an angel from heaven answering his prayers. You could tell he was still cold from working outdoors all day. You took a seat next to him on the couch where he wrapped his leg around yours, practically pressed up against your side as the three of you enjoyed your geek night.

Right when it got really late, close to dawn, Eren was the one who finally spoke up saying that you and him should get going.

"Otakus don't sleep," Mikasa said.

"You got that right," you said. A moment later, you passed out face forward on the ground, snoring with a bit of drool running down your chin to the floor.

"I just got my carpets cleaned..." Mikasa said bitterly.

Eren laughed and teased his sister. "Don't worry, I'll be your slave tomorrow and clean it up."

"You better." Mikasa turned her attention back to the TV.

Eren shifted his attention back to you, smiling fondly as he watched you sleep. He even admitted to finding it quite cute the way you were drooling. Careful not to wake you, he scooped you up in his arms bridal style and carried you as you headed out the door.

"Later, dork," Mikasa said.

"Bye..." you responded, although it mainly came out in sleepy mumbles.

"Sounds like you too are getting along just fine." Eren chuckled.

You thought about your whole day with Mikasa. She was something but you liked it.

"Yeah... I guess we do."

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