Chapter 21~Guilt

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After you left, the anger Eren had still lingered. It was probably a good thing neither you nor Mikasa were in the same room, otherwise, things may have as well gotten ugly. Eren padded over to the kitchen and grabbed a Cream Soda out of the bridge before flopping down on his bed in his room. He looked out the window, feeling his soul getting calmer from the peaceful scenery.

Eren thought of the picture and how much it meant to him. That day... it all happened in a blink of an eye. The one thing about parents is that, in a way, you always expect them to be here. People, both middle-aged and the elderly, will tell you that their parents being gone is the strangest feeling. Eren was only nineteen, and unfortunately had to understand what they meant at age eleven. The day was peaceful, business as usual. Other than his father being gone, of course.

He never wanted to leave. Eren wanted to stay and defend his mother, no matter how much she urged him to go. Mikasa was the one that dragged him away. He remembered screaming and crying in agony as he watched his mother get beaten. To this day, he'll never forget the pool of crimson that trailed all over the wooden floors. Before he knew it, his mother was gone.

"Mom!" Young Eren cried.

"Eren! We have to go!" Mikasa said holding him back from the horror before him.

Mikasa held him back until the man was gone. Eren finally gained enough strength to push himself out of Mikasa's grasp. He ran to the house, barging in through the doors. He breathed heavily, each breath coming out in gasps when he caught a glimpse of the gruesome scene.

"Mom? Mom! Come on! You have to wake up! You have to..." Tears streamed down Eren's face as he fell down to his knees. Mikasa tried to pry him away, but he didn't care, not even when the smoke began to fill the air clouding his vision.

With a gasp, Eren found himself sitting upright on his bed. Cold sweat poured down his skin. Was he asleep? Eren shook his head and massaged his temples, trying to rid of the headache that plagued him.

That dream again...

It was something he'd been having most nights since that dreadful day. No matter how many years went by, the images were still clear, even in his dreams. It was pure miracle that he didn't have a nightmare while spending the night at your place.

Once Eren had the chance to slow his breathing and heart rate, he let out a sigh of relief that he now had full control of himself despite the headache. He reached into the drawer and popped in an Ibuprofen, washing it down with his now-warm soda. It was going to take a while before it worked, if it worked. Just like anything else, there were never really any guaranteed promises.

Eren laid back down on his bed, trying to relax, his messy hair sprawled on the surface of the pillow. He turned his head, looking out the window once more.


The outside was completely dark, but according to the clock, only an hour had passed. Eren always had a hard time adjusting to daylight savings, maybe because this world was fast paced as it is.

Eren closed his eyes, trying to go back to sleep. But after several minutes of failed attempts, Eren gave up. So instead, he just laid there, engulfed in the silence of his home.

The rage he had early diminished and was soon replaced by guilt. It felt like a bullet to the chest as he thought about you and his words. He never should have taken his anger out on you. None of this was your fault, and really, you had nothing to do with this. Eren wished he hadn't treated you in such a way just because of his own personal drama. He'd do anything to take everything he said back.

Containing his anger was never his strongest quality, and it always got him into trouble. Eren always wondered how Armin, even with his accepting nature, would ever want to he friends with him. He's been through hard times as well... having lost his grandfather at war with no other family. But even then, he still stayed strong and positive.

The opposite of Eren.

Eren never understood what it was about that blonde, but he remembered that ever since they were children... his anger had gotten him in trouble infinite times. Before things got ugly, it was always Armin was played the role of a peacekeeper, using only his words.

Eren's thoughts shifted to Mikasa, and for a moment, he actually felt chest pain as his mind flashed back to their previous conversation. He cursed himself for how he treated his own sister. Yes, she had made a promise to save that picture but she wasn't the one that threw it in the river. It was Hunter.

All Hunter.

It was him that jumped you and Mikasa, and it was him that destroyed the last thing he had of his mother. If he could, he'd rewind this whole evening and take back everything he said. He should have been more concerned about your safety than some picture. After all, Eren could recall every single detail of that picture without even trying.

At least... he hoped. It was bad enough his parents were gone and he didn't want to act like they never existed, at least for his mother anyway. After leaving like he did, Eren wanted nothing of his father. He could burn in hell for all he cared.

Exhausted from thinking back to his torturous past, Eren rolled over burying his face in his pillow trying to bring his attention to the present which did not help considering the circumstances.

"I blew it..." Eren mumbled. He thought of calling you to apologize, but something told him that you were probably still angry, so he thought otherwise. He deserved that blow you gave him. He still needed to apologize to Mikasa as well.

Eren was so drawn to to his own agony that he didn't realize his phone was vibrating. He peeked to see that Mikasa was calling. With a heavy hand, he reached over and hit Talk.

"Hello... I'm at home, why...? What?" He narrowed his eyes. "She/he's where...!? Alright, I'm on my way, and Mikasa... about earlier... okay, you're right, we'll talk about this later... bye." Eren hung up and slipped on his jacket and boots before rushing out the door. He tried to get his car started but it wouldn't even turn on. He growled.

"Damn it, Reese! This is the last time you're borrowing my car!" That was something he would handle later. Using all his speed and strength, Eren began to run to his destination.

There was nothing going to stop him, no matter how slippery the grounds were and how tired he was.

Military school was probably worth it after all.

Eren was just about halfway to the hospital. Being excelling fit, he had no problem as far as endurance. The only obstacle was the icy grounds. He eventually got to the point where he had to cross the street. As precious time was at the moment, Eren had to wait. He grumbled the whole time, cursing under his breath at the slow drivers. Once the road was finally clear, Eren began to go across. But before he was able to make it, something bright hit his direction. He looked to the side and squinted as the light got closer and closer to him.

Eren registered was what was happening, but before he could get out of the way, it was too late.

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