Chapter 3~The Decision

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Unfortunately, you were right in the middle of swallowing a mouthful of fries when you read the last part of the note so some of it ended up going down the wrong pipe, causing you to go into a rather violent coughing fit. It brought some attention from others and you received stares in your direction but you were so focused on not dying that you didn't care.

After you finally recovered and caught your breath, you reread the note again and narrowed your eyes.

So an attractive guy that happens to be your type yet you barely know wants to go out with you? What kind of scheme is this!? Although there was no camera in sight, you were sure convinced that this was one of the "You Got Punked" shows.

You glanced over at Eren's direction to see that he was taking orders from other customers. With a sigh, you shoved the piece of paper into your pocket and went back to focusing on your meal, which was a bit expensive compared to McDonalds but the quality wasn't bad, you supposed.

When you finished your fries and shake combo, you padded over to the trash can and threw away your scraps before heading out the door. But then you realized something and scurried back to where Eren was. He gazed at you curiously.

"Hey I just remembered, I never paid. How much is do I owe?" You asked while fumbling through your wallet.

Eren waved it off. "Don't worry about it."


"It's on me." Eren responded with a smile.

"A-Are you sure?" You asked. When Eren simply nodded, you said. "Oh... well thanks! But I wouldn't make it a habit if I were you."

That made Eren chuckle a little. "I know what I'm doing. So... what's your answer?"


"Yeah. From the note, remember?"

"Oh yeah, that. Eheh..." You smiled cheesily and felt a slight blush creep up your cheeks. "Umm... Oh lookie here at the time! I have to get going! Bye!" With that, you sped out of the place and drove away, the tires screeching in the process.

It was probably an overeaction but dealing with awkward situations such as this wasn't exactly your speciality.

Within ten minutes, you surprisingly made it home safely. Although at this time you should probably be studying for upcoming finals, you just didn't feel like it, especially since it's all you been doing ever since you started college as well as work hours just to pay off tuition. So obviously, you definitely needed a break, so you decided to binge Sims 3 for a bit.

Even as you deleted your old game and started a new household, your thoughts drifted back to Eren and the note from earlier. Without realizing it, you created an Eren Jaegar sim with perfection. You stared in disbelief when you finally snapped out of your thoughts.

"Sweet Jesus... did I really do that?" You muttered to yourself. "Maybe I need to space out more."

After some finishing touches, you then proceeded to make another sim for your household, that sim being yourself. Once that was done, you selected an empty lot and used cheats to recieve funds and built a huge house with a pool and beautiful plants scattered around. Smiling at your work, you were now ready to play.

You could have used cheats to make you and Eren fall in love in an instant but you decided just to do it manually. Otherwise, it would be too easy. Your two sims began to interact with one another. Things were going great at first as they happily talked about toilets and waffles until Eren, having a hot-tempered trait, began to argue about over bees and ghosts. Seeing this made your blood boil and you began to yell at the screen.

"What!? No! You're supposed to be getting along! That's it, I'm sending you two to the movies and you're going to like it!"

After some angry clicking, you began to relax as the rest of the game began to go smoothly. It gave you a chance to make a decision whether or not you wanted to go out with Eren. He may be attractive but you just met him. The only communication you had with each other was small talk and a tad bit of casual flirting.

And to be honest, the thought of going out with a stranger made you uneasy as you grew up in a bad neighborhood where you constantly got harassed, or jumped by thugs. For as long as you can remember, you were always on edge. You couldn't even go for a walk knowing you'd be a major target. Even now, you walk around with a hidden switchblade in your back pocket.

Loneliness had always been an issue since your parents were always working and the "friends" you had decided to make bad choices. Now, all they cared about was partying, getting high, and drinking until they're wasted. The only escape you had as a kid was going to your uncle's house. He was a baker and made all kinds of goods and your cousins were like siblings to you. That was all until your uncle died of terminal cancer when you were fifteen and since then, your cousins practically faded from your existence.

The loss of your uncle hit you hard, along with the constant bullying. It all gradually led you into a great depression which led into self-harm and two attempts of suicide. Everything around you was going downhill. It took several sessions of professional help and support group to aid you out of the dark pit. It wasn't until you graduated high school where you were completely free and were able to move away.

But the only problem was... everything here is just so dull. Nothing exciting ever happened in this town.

But you learned that life was what you made it, so you picked up your cell phone, dialed the number from the note, and waited.

"Hey... Eren? Yeah, it's me. Remember our conversation earlier...? It's a yes."

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