Chapter 11~Winter Fireworks

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"Seriously, why haven't you talked about your uncle before? From the way you talk about him, he seems like an amazing guy!"

Hours had passed, after you and Eren had finished cleaning up the bread and hot chocolate via consumption, you both just lounged around until the time came to head to the park. It was a surprise that neither of you fell asleep from eating that much bread, but either way, it was worth it. Now, you were both sitting on a picnic table waiting for the show to start. What was left of the sun previously had completely set even though it was only seven o'clock. Sometimes you wondered what it would be like if the sun set later in the winter and earlier in the summer. To help fight against the cold, Eren had bought hot cups of peppermint licorice tea from one of the stores. Normally you'd add a ton of sugar to your tea, however, this particular tea left a sweet touch on your tongue every time you swallowed, making no need for the additional substance.

When Eren expressed his admiration for your uncle, wondering why you haven't given him additional information before, you simply shrugged, smiling sheepishly before taking another sip of your hot beverage. Everytime you spoke, condensation would occur. "I don't know. I have to admit, it was hard to think about him before... I suppose it would be the same reason why you don't talk about your past much."

"Yeah... I get you there. It can be tough when you lose someone you love, especially when they are one of the only people you have left." Eren smiled sadly.

"No kidding. I can't agree more. It's not even just losing them either, it's how everything else collapses after that. My cousins and I used to be the best of friends, but now even in public, they walk by as if I were nothing but a piece of furniture." A silence occurred between you and Eren briefly as you were absorbed into the pain from the past. It always amazed you, how no matter how much time passes, it still affects you in some shape or form. Deciding you wanted to transition this conversation into a happier subject, you said, "Hey... shouldn't the firework show be going on, right now?"

Eren rose his head, lowering his eyebrows as he looked around in curiosity. "Hmm... I don't know. I'm thinking maybe Hanji is just running late but that can't be possible since she's been looking forward to this for months now."

"Huh...that's wie-AGHH! HOLY FUCKING SHITBALLS!" You shrieked and fell over to the ground as a loud, echoing gunshot sound filled the air. Growing up in a bad neighborhood all your life, having shootings occur at random times wasn't uncommon. Even now, you still wondered how you even survived all that. It just so happened that your school was located right next to a prison, where inmates, especially the most dangerous ones, would escape. It was pure luck if they didn't stop by your school first. Even during the early years of elementary school, your classes did more practice drills for shootings and other attacks more than any other school in the district. That's how critical the situation was. The local government even considered installing underground safety vaults, similar to bomb shelters. However, that never happened. The reason why they never followed through, you never understood.

"Everybody down! They're after us! Oh don't give me that look!" You snapped at an elderly lady, who looked at you as if you lost your mind. "If you want to live, stick with me!

"What are you-Hey! Get off me, child!" You had practically tackled the older woman, holding onto her as you crouched to the ground. She struggled to get away and was smacking you with her cane. You ignored her but glared at everyone else. "Well, what the hell are you assholes doing standing around!? Don't you have your own asses to save!?

Eren sat there wide eyed as he tried to comprehend what just happened. He watched the whole scene, unsure how to react at first. But then he figured that the loudness of the fireworks must have frightened you, judging by your hysterical behavior. When he saw that you were practically holding the poor woman hostage, he quickly but silently stood and padded over to your side, wrapping his arms around your waist as he scooped you up in his air holding you securely.

You began to flail, making what looked like karate chops and kicks. "Jesus, Eren! Are you trying to get yourself killed!?"

"(y/n)," Eren said. But when you still were out of control, Eren said your name a bit louder.

"(y/n)!" That made you freeze, your limbs went from flailing around to completely still. You looked around your surroundings to see that many people were giving you strange looks, not to mention the elderly lady who looked as though she would happily bash you in the head with her cane. Redness rose in your cheeks when you realized that you were currently being held by Eren, his arms providing you warmth against the cold, snowy air.

"(y/n), relax. It's just fireworks. You're okay..." Once he knew that you were completely calm, he gently set you on your feet and turned you around so that he could look at you. "I thought you liked fireworks."

"I do," you responded. "I suppose I'm just jumpy when it comes to... sudden loud noises..." Some more fireworks went off making you jolt. Eren held you by the shoulders just to make sure that you didn't try to attack anyone again. Once you calmed down, you looked to see that you had thrown the cup of tea. There it lay, all wasted. The sight made you want to cry. You had also knocked away Eren's.

"Oh no...the tea..." You whined and pulled out your wallet, counting your change. "Here... I'll get you another."

Eren shook his head and smiled. "No! Really, don't worry about it. I'll buy it if you want."

"Come on, Eren. You just now had to put up with me when I practically went psycho. Please let me buy it."

"Well..." Eren pondered on your offer but then nodded. "Alright. Go ahead."

"Awesome!" You said. "I'll be back shortly." You whirled around about to head toward the streets but somehow you ended up stepping on an icy patch and in an instant, both of your feet slipped out in front of you making you fall backward. You yelped and tried to grab onto something although there was really nothing but air. When your head was a good foot away from the ground, you suddenly felt warm arms holding you up. Once the adrenaline died down, looked up to see the familiar blue-green eyes looking at you in concern.

"Are you okay?" Eren asked. "That looked like it would have been a painful fall."

You laid there, unable to move. Your face went red, even redder than it ever has been before. It took you a moment to be able to answer. You laughed nervously. "I've never been better."

Eren smirked. "Now what kind of cliche line is that?"

"A classic one." After the both of you had laughed, you smiled and gazed at each other's eyes. Little by little, your faces were getting closer to one another. Your lips were half a centimeter away when a wave of snow washed over you both, interrupting the moment.

"Heads up!" It was Reese sledding around on a board. He slipped past you both and made his way to Hanji's location, managing to coat snow on the other visitors.

Eren glared at the modern greaser and helped you back on your feet. That's when he looked you straight in the eye and said, "Remind me to kick his ass later."

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