Chapter 18~Overboard

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"I can't decide what I want..." Eren said with a groan.

"Same... there are just so many choices!" You agreed. The three of you were seated in a booth. Mikasa and Eren sat on one side while you sat on the other. Quite honestly, you wished the host put you three in a different spot since you had a beautiful view of the dumpster and the whole area behind IHOP.

"Do you think I should get sausage or bacon?" Eren wondered.

"How should I know!?" You threw up your hands. "I don't even know if I want pancakes or waffles."

"Well I can't decide if I want scrambled eggs or fried!"

"Ughh good grief you two!" Mikasa said rubbing her temples. "I feel like I'm babysitting you children. Just make up your mind already!"

Eren looked at his sister, smiling teasingly at her. "Awww what's the matter? Is someone hungry? Because you're not yourself when you're hungry."

"Of course I'm hungry!" She glared back at her bright-eyed, punk brother. "But not only that, you two can't seem to choose what-mmrfff!" Her eyes widened when something sweet was shoved into her mouth.

It was a Hershey candy bar.

Once Mikasa registered what just happened, she narrowed her eyes and spat out the chocolate material before chucking it back at Eren. You couldn't help but chuckle at how the two adoptive siblings were fighting. It was probably a good thing they didn't notice you laughing.

"Eren!" Mikasa scolded, giving her brother an appalled look. "You know you're not supposed to bring your own food in restaurants! That's rude and an insult!"

"Why? You sneak food in every time you go to the theater," Eren said with a laugh. "Isn't that the same thing?"

"N-no!" She crossed her arms in defense. "For your information, brother, I wouldn't sneak food in if it weren't the face that the tickets plus the snacks are highly overpriced."

"In that case, remind me to sneak food in the next time I find myself at Wendy's..." you mumbled.

"I agree with (y/n)," Eren said. "Having worked there before switching over to Hot Topic, I'll tell you right now that the meat from Wendy's isn't the best." He smirked as he shifted his full attention to you. "Besides, who needs their meat when you can just have mine?" Mikasa stomped him hard on the foot for making such a comment. Eren made whimpering sounds like an injured puppy. Before you were able to react yourself, the waiter returned to take your order.

"Are you guys ready to order?" He asked.

"Yes, I'll take banana-strawberry pancakes and these two will have the waffles," Mikasa said.

"Hey!" You and Eren both said at the same time.

"Well it's not my fault you couldn't order sooner, I had been waiting patiently for half an hour. Besides, this is all going under my check. Take it or leave it."

You were both about to protest but Mikasa shot you both a look that shut you both up. In the end, you were honestly grateful that Mikasa had chosen your order for you, otherwise it probably would have been a whole other hour. And besides, the whole egg, sausage, waffle combination was rather delicious. You actually drowned your waffles in syrup. Neither one of you spoke as you ate.

After brunch, Eren had to run to work, so now it was just you and Mikasa. You didn't mind, and neither did she. Although neither of you showed it, you did indeed enjoy each other's company despite your questionable and violent interactions. The both of you decided to head to the music store where you spent most of the time gawking over the instruments. You hadn't seen anything more polished or well-cared for than the ones displayed. Of course, you had a music store back in your hometown, but it was small, cluttered, and had low quality instruments as well as a very rude staff. Mikasa had a good chuckle when you were practically worshipping the place. So did you when you realized the music she was listening to were mainly anime openings. But then you joined in as well, the both of you singing along in japanese although you had no idea what you were saying.

 The two of you were having a great time and despite the severe sleep deprivation from the previous night, you and Mikasa had enough energy to head to the Nature Trail. It probably wasn't the best choice for this weather, but the snow made the place even more beautiful. Plus, it was easier to enjoy things when you weren't drenched in sweat. Along the trail laid a river that was yet to completely freeze. It still flowed. You made a mental note to yourself to take a picture of it with your phone.

"I need another coffee..." Mikasa said.

"Tell me about it," you responded. For the next few minutes, you and Mikasa both rambled on and on about your own personal coffee addictions as well as other miscellaneous topics when one person just had to step in.


"Well, what do we have here?" mocked the blonde. This time he had four friends with him. "We've been following you, you know. As tough as you are, I can hardly believe how stupid you are." He and his friends laughed.

"Funny... I figured after the previous incident, you'd have learned by now to keep away from me," you said in a low voice.

 "Ohhhhh, so you think just one kick in the nuts is just going to solve problems? Well, think again." A mischievous grin grew on his face, his eyes going as cold as ice. While he was talking, one of his buddies snuck up behind you and had you in a semi-choke hold. You growled and tried to fight but the person behind you held you in place. You looked over at Mikasa who was being held by another guy. But she didn't fight. Instead, she looked as calm as could be.  

She couldn't have possibly submitted already, did she?

Hunter shifted his attention over to Mikasa and walked over to her. He pat on side of her face and stroked her cheek with a finger. "You know, you are one pretty girl... it would be a shame if..." He whipped out a switchblade and traced her jawline with its tip, enabling the crimson substance to leak from the broken skin. His grin grew wider, almost Cheshire-like. "Something were to happen to it."

Mikasa didn't react, at least for the first few moments. She simply narrowed her eyes and glared at the boy. You would have lunged after him if you weren't held in a disabling grip so all you could do was watch. You saw Mikasa smile cooly and speak in a honeyed tone.

"You know... you're right. I have to agree with that statement. However... it wouldn't be any better if something were to happen to your blade," Mikasa said, but none of the boys took her seriously. They just laughed. But a moment later, there was absolutely nothing to chuckle about because in the speed of lightening, Mikasa whipped her head back, headbutting the boy holding her in place. You watched in amazement as the boy yelped and clutched onto his heavily bleeding nose, groaning in pain. Now that the one restraining you was distracted, you took that as an opportunity and kicked him hard in the chin and released from his grasp. 

After Mikasa was free, she grabbed Hunter's wrist and gave it a good twist, making a loud crack emerge. Hunter cried out in pain and dropped his blade. Mikasa picked it up. With a smirk, she took it in her hands and snapped it in two, taking amusement from his Hunter's pained face. She was about to say something when someone grabbed her ankle, tripping her.

"Mikasa!" You exclaimed. You tried to go over and help her only to be grabbed. Two guys were pinning you down to the snowy ground now. You fought with all your power, kicking and punching.

While Mikasa was pinned down on the ground, something fell out of her pocket. Immediately, Hunter noticed and he kneeled down, picking it up. It was her wallet. "Oh lookie here... based on the material, I would say this was from Hot Topic. How bad would it be if you lost it?"

Mikasa froze, her expression shifting from anger to almost a plea. "Give it back," she demanded.

"Give it back? After destroying my blade?" He laughed mockingly. "Sorry... no deal." Without a moment's hesitation, Hunter tossed the wallet over the edge. Seconds later, you could hear a small splash.

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