Chapter 10~Pumpkin Bliss

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Just as you began to worry most, there was a knock on your door. In an instant, you immediately went to go answer it. When you opened the door, you saw Eren standing there with a smile, holding a small box.

"Eren!" You said hugging him. "What the hell took you so long!?" Although Eren was only able to return the brief embrace with only one arm, but even then, it still provided warmth against the cold wind that blew in. 

"Yeah.. sorry about that... I was actually ready to leave on time when I  found out that Reese took my car out for a drive last night, probably out street racing, then when he came back, that dumbass forgot to turn the lights off so guess what, I ended up with a dead battery!" He sighed in exasperation.

"Wow, he really did it this time," you said as you led him to your kitchen.

"Oh he did. He definitely drew the line this time." He smiled innocently. "That's when I flushed down some of his plushies."

"Savage, are we?" you said.

Eren laughed. "That was AFTER I socked him in the jaw. I honestly think he prefers to be hit than to have his precious collection float around in the sewers. Oh, I almost forgot..." He held out the box toward you and gave you a little smile, a slight blush rising in his cheeks, and not just from being in the cold. "There... was another reason why I was late."

You looked at Eren, puzzled for a moment before taking the box, widening your eyes when you opened it up. "Oh my god..." Inside the box laid a big piece of pumpkin bread, with a small container of frosting. 

He rubbed at the back of his head awkwardly with a sheepish look on his face. "Yeah... since I wasn't able to borrow anyone's car, I had to walk. It took a bit since I had to deal with a massive amount of snow. But I just so happened to be passing by some shops including a bakery. So I figured, why not, you know?"

While Eren was talking, you were only half listening. You couldn't talk your gaze off the gorgeous material. Your hand was warm from touching the bottom of the box, indicating that it was fresh from the oven. The smell of pumpkin spice radiated in the air, making your mouth water. You looked up. "How did you know? I LOVE pumpkin bread!"

With a shrug, Eren replied, "I do remember you mentioning it once." You reached in the box and broke off a piece before sticking it into your mouth, and it was the most delicious thing you've encountered in years. The truth, you actually haven't had pumpkin bread in a long time. In fact, the last time you had pumpkin bread was when your uncle made it. He used to always bake it for you and your cousins during the fall and winter days. However, after his passing, it hurt to even look at pumpkin bread without wanting to break down. You were scared to eat it, as if it were the forbidden fruit. That lasted for about a couple years, but then you just seemed to kind of forget about pumpkin bread until now. For a moment, you did ponder on the memories of your uncle as you chewed, it did still sadden you to think that such a wonderful man had to leave so soon, but you were happy that he was now in peace, away from the world of chemotherapy and illness.

Your thoughts were soon interrupted, however, when you saw Eren's hand slowly reaching toward the box. By instinct, you smacked his hand. "Oh I don't think so, punk! That's mine!" You said, but when you saw Eren pout, you laughed and patted his shoulder comfortingly. "I was only joking, but what's the point of enjoying pumpkin bread without some hot chocolate, hmm?" 

Eren's eyebrows shot up a bit. "Pumpkin bread and hot chocolate... now that seems like a good combination."

You nodded. "It is, believe me. I'll get out the ingredients and get started then," you said. But just before you were about to head to the fridge, you felt Eren's hand grasp your shoulder. You paused and looked over back at him. 

"Hold on a second," Eren said. "Did you just say ingredients?"

"Yeah...? Why?"

"So that means you're making it from scratch?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Mhmm. Is that a problem? What strikes your curiosity?"

Eren blushed. "Well... when you first mentioned hot chocolate before... I figured you meant the powdered kind. See, that's the one I grew up with. I have never had any real hot chocolate."

"Wow," you said with a scoff. "What kind of world did you live in that prevented you from having hot chocolate from scratch?"

"The fact that I spent most of my life in military academics," Eren said flatly. 

"Oh yeah... that's right..." you mentally kicked yourself for practically bringing up Eren's dreadful past.

"But anyway," Eren said getting back to the subject at hand. "Since you're going to be making this using actual ingredients..." He blushed a little, and it wasn't just from going through cold weather. "I was wondering if I can see how it's done. I'm curious."

At first, you hesitated. But then after a few moments, a smile spread across your face and you nodded. "Of course. Let's get started then." That made Eren's eyes light up. From there, step by step, you even guided Eren on how to make hot chocolate from scratch. Although clueless at first, he appeared to get the hang of it with your instructions. Before you knew it, you and Eren had both successful prepared a big pot of the hot beverage and were now sitting at the table across from each other munching on pumpkin bread, and your uncle's hot chocolate.

A comfortable silence filled the air. The sugary goodness was fantastic and all. However, the presence of Eren made it a whole lot better. You were grateful to have him as a friend, not to mention glad you were at the right place at the right time when you met him.

"So I've been making time to look at the outside world..." You said, breaking the silence.

"Is that right?" Eren smirked. "I never would have guessed."

"Shut up!" You said giving Eren a playful punch to the shoulder. "ANYWAY, I was browsing through local events and apparently they have some holiday fireworks going on at the park."

"Fireworks huh... so Hanji's plan DID work after all."


Eren nodded. "Yeah... she has been wanting to light fireworks for a long time and figured that around the winter holidays would be the perfect time."

"But I thought fireworks were prohibited in this town!"

"They are. But Hanji found a way to make them give her an exception."

"How?" You asked curiously.

"Sorry, I can't tell you," Eren said giving you an apologetic smile. "In all honesty, I wasn't even supposed to tell you that."

"I see..." You took another sip of your hot chocolate. "But either way, I was thinking we should go have a look. What do you think?"

Eren looked at you and smiled. "I think that sounds fun, especially with our Hanji being the mastermind. From what I've heard, it doesn't start until later. So for now, how about we just enjoy our sweets?" He rose his mug.

After you both made a toast with your mugs, you nodded. "I agree."

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