Chapter 5~Jay's Diner

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"Does this happen to you often?" You asked as you got in the car.

"Yeah," Eren replied starting the engine and backing out of the lot. "Been that way since childhood."

You shook your head and sighed. "People are cruel, Eren. I know how you feel."

"Do people pick on you too?" Eren asked.

"No," you replied. "Well... not anymore at least."

Eren gave you a glance and smiled. "Consider yourself lucky, then." Within five minutes, Eren pulled up to a parking lot of what looked like a small brick building with a sign clearly needing a paint job reading, "The JD".

"I know, it doesn't look like much. But trust me, wait until you get inside," Eren said. When you did, you and Eren were immediately greeted by a tall, dark-skinned, jolly-looking man with cornrows trailing into one long braid. What really stood out, however, was his practically glowing, sky blue eyes.

"Heyyyyyy! The EJ is in DA HOUSE! And look, he got himself a girlfriend. Awwww look at that adorable couple!" The man said making you blush redder than a bowl of cherries. "I'm guessing you want a booth for two?"

Eren nodded and grinned, showing off his perfectly white teeth. "You got that right, Jay. Good to see you again."

"You too, man." Jay flashed a grin of his own. "It's been a long time, considering it's been two months since I saw you last." He led you two to a booth and handed out menus. Jay shifted his attention over to you, who took a seat directly across from Eren. "So you new here, huh? I don't believe we ever met before."

"Yep, moved here a few months ago for school," you responded politely. You already liked Jay, it was clear that he was warm and a people-person.

"A college kid, huh? Well let me know if you need anything. Don't be shy, alright? I'll be back to take your orders." Jay gave you a wink before tending to other customers. You looked at Eren, who was already taking a look at his menu.

"Looks like you have some connections here," you said.

"Hmm?" Eren looked up. "Oh, yeah. I'm kind of a frequent customer here. It gave me a chance to get to know Jay. He's actually the owner of this place, it's been passed on from generation to generation. Because of this restaurant, all first born sons are named Jay in order to keep The JD."

"Wow, this place has come a long ways then. I like Jay though, he's a good guy. I've never met anyone friendlier," you commented.

Eren nodded. "He really is, I agree."

You took a look at your menu, which only made your mouth water and stomach growl. "This all looks so good... I don't know what to decide." There were many choices between different types of burgers, hot dogs, steaks, breakfast dishes, and chilies.

Eren laughed. "Well if you need a recommendation, I strongly suggest the chili cheese fries. It's pretty big, so if you want we can share it. You HAVE to try it."

"I would love that," you responded.

"Take a look at the shakes too," Eren suggested. You did.

"Woah... cheesecake flavor... cotton candy flavor..." you made a face. "Vomit flavor!?"

Eren snickered at that. "Jay is much more clever than you think."

"Yeah, no kidding..." you mumbled. A moment later, Jay returned.

"Y'all lovebirds ready to order?" He asked.

"I am," Eren replied. He looked over at you. "(Y/N)?"

"Yep. I'll have the bacon cheeseburger combo with s'mores shake."

"Alright! Good choice...very good..." Jay scribbled down your order. "And how about you, E?"

"I'd like the same thing, but with a chocolate cheesecake shake AND a large plate of chili cheese fries." Eren smiled.

"Alrighty." Jay took both of your menus. "Hang on tight, we'll bring you your meal soon."

"Thanks, Jay," you said. After he left, you took a look around the diner. It wasn't anything like how it looked on the outside. Everything was unbelievably clean. One could probably eat off the black and white tile. Not a single crumb laid upon the tables and there wasn't a single stain on the white walls. In the background, the radio played "Why Must I Be a Teenager in Love".

"This looks like a fifties-style restaurant," you pointed out.

Eren nodded. "It is, although it doesn't really get the attention it deserves."

"Why not?"

"I don't know," Eren replied. "That's just the way it is right now, I guess. Maybe someday, it'll gain more fame."

"I hope so, this place is amazing."

"I'm glad you think so," Eren said. "It's why I brought you here. Something told me you would enjoy this place, right after you mentioned The Outsiders. So you enjoy old literature?"

You nodded. "Yeah, there's some old classics I like. But I mostly read things like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson."

"I have to say, you have a good taste in books too. I bet those will be future classics."

"Can't agree more," you said. Right at that moment, Jay came back with your meals.

"Here you guys go, let me know if you need anything else," Jay said with a jolly smile. After you and Eren thanked him, you both immediately started digging in your delicious meal.

Fast Food Fight (Punk!Eren x Reader) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now