Chapter 9~New Friendships

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You leaned against the wall and watched as the fight went on. Ten minutes had passed already. You thought to yourself how similar scenes in you hentai collection are much more entertaining than this.

Much, much more entertaining...

A few more minutes passed before the trio finally managed to burn themselves out. While Eren and Hunter were both completely collapsed on the ground with nosebleeds and some minor bruises while Reese was sitting there guffawing like a madman.

"That... was...AWESOME! HAHAHA! Nothing makes my nights more rad than a rumble! Can we do it again!?" He looked at the two other boys hopefully, wearing a toothy grin.

You sighed and shook your head. "Good grief... you're like a frikin' five year old!" You then shifted your attention to the other two and padded over, grabbing them both by the collars while lifting half their bodies up. "Done now, I assume?" When they both slowly nodded, you dropped them them both like a sack of potatoes. Then you watched in amusement as Levi was trying to use a broom to sweep away Reese, although, you did feel bad that he probably had the place cleaned before only for it to be covered in drops of blood.

When Hunter finally caught his breath, he stood slowly and gave Eren a venomous glare. "I'll deal with you later, punk," he growled. Hunter wiped off some of the sweat and blood from his face as he headed out the door, allowing the breeze from the outside to come in through the building. It went through your hair and caressed your skin. For a moment, you silently even thanked the blonde for opening the door, it was getting quite warm in here. 

Eren went to the restroom to clean up. Even mild fights were dirty work. Once everyone was ready, you joined in and rode with them in a van on the way to a restaurant. It wasn't Jay's Diner, but you did get to eat some amazing italian food. Everyone stuffed themselves of pasta and unlimited bread. You were all so full that everyone had to rock paper scissors over who drove back. The winner in this case was Reese, who had a stomach like a garbage disposal and the energy of a toddler. 

How he even got his license, you didn't know. You and Armin braced yourselves as Reese would constantly slam on the brakes, jerk the wheel too hard, and overall speed recklessly. While Levi didn't show much reaction to the whole situation and was casually reading a magazine looking at coupons for different cleaning products, Hanji was whooping and cheering having the time of her life. "Woooooohoooooo! Faster!"

"Don't encourage him," said Levi as he turned a page. Just at that moment, Reese made a super sharp turn causing you to jerk to the side right into Eren's shoulder. He stared at you, shocked at the sudden contact. Once you realized what was going on, you blushed bright red and immediately sat upright, pretending that you didn't just get a whiff of his wonderful scent. You wondered what kind of cologne he used.

Because your car was still parked in the lot where the concert took place, the band dropped you off and from there, you drove yourself home. The next day, you got up bright and early enough to go miniature golfing with the whole gang. Everyone was there. Armin was as kind as ever, but at first you could barely stand Hanji with her loudness, but after awhile, you came to appreciate her insanity. In fact, it was perhaps her best trait. Besides, how can you not stand someone after they buy you pizza and a soda? 

You warmed up to Reese despite his obnoxiousness. He was a huge flirt too, always hitting on you every chance you got especially when you kept getting holes in ones. Whenever he did, however, Eren would always step in and give him a death stare. Reese didn't really seem to be affected by it a whole bunch as he would always laugh and do it all over again. Levi, although standoffish, seemed to tolerate you more. You didn't mind, since he didn't appear to be the friendly type either. You couldn't help but laugh whenever he would start frantically cleaning something such as his golf ball. He was never satisfied unless it was spotless and polished with a shine.

From that day on, you and Eren only got closer and closer. Whenever you weren't working or studying, you spent your freetime with the band. Even during the first few days, it had already felt as though you had known them forever. You and Hanji developed a bond too. It had been years since you had a real female friend. Underneath of her wild nature laid the sweetest, kindest heart you'd ever met. 

Of course, when the rest of the band members weren't around, it was just you and Eren. You didn't do a whole lot, but just being around each other's company brought a smile to your faces. In fact, your favorite activity was just to listen to some music while reading some books at the library. 

Before you knew it, time went by and winter came. Snow floated down from the sky coating the buildings below, creating a white paradise. Children were playing in the fields, laughing, giggled, and trying to beat the record of the largest snowman. Fellow citizens were happily walking the streets taking a visit at all the bakeries releasing the smell of fresh pastries and bread as well as shopping for the holidays.

You sat on your sofa, playing a bit of Solitaire to pass the time. Just yesterday, you and Eren made plans for him to visit your home, which felt strange since this was the first time he was going anyway near where you lived. Although you trusted him, you still had your pepper spray holstered as a precaution. 

Speaking of which, where was Eren anyway? He said he was coming and he was supposed to be here half an hour ago. You sent him a text asking if everything was alright and waited five minutes. No answer.

Where was he?

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