Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

Cheryl read the letter for the third time before letting it fall to the floor. For a while she sat motionless, the shock slowly spreading through her body until she actually shook her head in disbelief. 

Why hadn’t she noticed? 

She felt a sudden jolt of guilt at the thought of Kimberley leaving everything she cared about…everything that she loved, behind because of a few thoughtless words that she had said out of anger and jealousy.

And then she felt another pain, which must surely have been regret. Regret that everything had gone so badly when in actuality, they both wanted the same thing. 

They both wanted exactly the same thing…

She jumped up off the sofa, throwing the blanket to one side. Thankfully she still had her dress on, being too drunk to take it off when she got in. 

I’m Yours

The words seemed to play over and over again in her head as she made her way to the bathroom and ran the brush through her hair. She looked in the mirror ather reflection and, although she had been on a heavy session, she was quite relieved to find that she had looked a lot worse. 

Even so, the eyeliner came out instinctively and she applied it quickly before putting some lip gloss on. She was relieved to be able to concentrate her thoughts on applying the make up, because if she didn’t it would mean she would have to concentrate on what she was about to do, and that couldn’t be good.

Even as the door closed behind her and she made her way down the long corridor, she wondered if she was making a mistake, or at least going about things in the wrong way.

How long had she waited to her Kimberley say those words?

I’m Yours

She passed a young couple in the hallway who looked to be just arriving back to their room after a large amount of alcohol. She met their gaze quickly and cringed inwardly when they done a double-take, realising who it was they had seen in the hallway. 

It wasn’t so much that they had seen her in the hallway, it was the fact that she probably looked like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards. But somehow it didn’t matter to her, all that really mattered at the moment was convincing her body that it wanted to go in the same direction of her feet. 


Kimberley groaned to herself as something woke her from her sleep. It took a few moments before she recognised the noise as a light tapping at the door. She looked at her alarm and realised that it was the early hours of the morning, she had probably been asleep about an hour at the most.

Rubbing her eyes, she climbed groggily out of bed and looked through the spy hole cut in to the door.

She almost jumped backwards in shock when she seen the distorted image of Cheryl on the other side, nerves washing over her immediately.

She could hear her heart beating in her ears as she unlatched the door and opened it. 

“Cheryl” She stated, by way of a greeting, sensing that Cheryl wasn’t about to say anything any time soon. 


The kiss came quickly and unexpectedly, so much so that neither of them seemed prepared. It started out light, almost as though Cheryl was waiting for a sign that she could continue, the small moan that seemed to escape from Kimberley’s lips was all the incentive she needed to proceed.

She let her hands fall on to Kimberley’s waist as the intensity of the kiss deepened. Reaching behind her with one hand she closed the door to the outside world, realising that something like that might have caused more than a few raised eyebrows.

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