Chapter 39

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Chapter Thirty Nine

“…complete *Female Dog*”

Kimberley turned round with a start and realised that she had tuned out half way through one of Cheryl’s frequent rants.

Cheryl looked at her expectantly, obviously wanting some kind of response, to which Kimberley nodded although she wasn’t exactly sure what she was agreeing too, but obviously someone was a complete *Female Dog*.

The car sped along the motorway towards the studios where the X Factor would be filmed live, Cheryl had been on edge all day so Kimberley had decided that remaining quiet would probably prove to be the best tactic.

“they haven’t even picked out my outfit yet you know, can you believe that? I’m going on live tv in less than five hours and they can’t even be arsed to choose a dress” Cheryl went on as she riffled through her small purse for her mobile phone.

“how long are we going to be” Kimberley asked the driver who was staying quiet in the front.

“about 45 minutes” the driver replied, making eye contact with her in the rear view mirror before going back to concentrating on the road.

“I mean its not exactly rocket science is it Kimberley, if I go out there looking terrible…”

“you never look terrible Cheryl” Kimberley replied promptly, picking her head up from the window that she was leaning on to look at Cheryl before going back to her original position.

“and that’s another thing, why is it the drivers always chose the busiest route in to town?” the younger girl asked, directing her question to Kimberley although really it was intended for the driver.

Kimberley sighed deeply before shrugging her shoulders loosely. She caught the drivers eye in the mirror again and offered her best apologetic smile to him.

Seeing that her compliment had gone totally unheard she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on the sound of the cars swishing past the window.

“are you tired babe?” Cheryl asked after a moment. Kimberley nodded and opened her eyes reluctantly.

“mmm” Kimberley mumbled and turned in the back seat so that she was facing Cheryl but was still able to rest her head on the back seat head rest.

“I bet you want me to shut up so you can get some sleep don’t you” Cheryl replied with a little smile, she let her hand fall down and brush Kimberley’s arm gently for a brief second.

Kimberley smiled back at her, feeling her heart melt a little as their eyes connected.

“I really really do” she replied jokingly, although made an effort to sit up and at least open her eyes.

“you didn’t have to come tonight” Cheryl said after a few moments. She unbuckled her seatbelt and moved closer to Kimberley in the car.

She slipped her arm around Kimberley’s waist and pulled the girl roughly in to her, so that Kimberley’s head was resting on her shoulder.

will I be coming tonight”? Kimberley asked quietly, her mouth forming in to a perfect pout as she smiled sexily to Cheryl.


“well that was sh*t” Cheryl said as she entered her dressing room where Kimberley and Nicola were waiting for her.

“you done really well” Nicola told her, getting up and giving her a quick hug.

“I lost one of my contestants Nicola” Cheryl said, looking at her as if the young girl hadn’t been sat in the audience at all but on another planet.

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