Chapter 41

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Chapter Forty-One

Cheryl opened the door to the flat quietly and closed it behind her. She had checked her watch before coming in and it was already the wrong side of midnight so she knew Kimberley would be asleep. 

Her heels clicked loudly against the wood flooring as she made her way from the hallway and in to the kitchen. 

She opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, taking a sip she looked around the kitchen and noticed that Kimberley had re organised the kitchen counters which brought a smile to her face. 

On her way home she had thought hard about the last few months and how much of a strain working so hard had put on their relationship, and she was more than a little thankful that it was now over with for another year. The final night itself went without a hitch, her contestant didn’t end up winning and although initially she was upset, one look at the pride on Kimberley’s face as she sat watching in the audience suddenly brought it all home to her. 

She didn’t need to win at everything she tried to do in life, because she had already won the one thing that mattered the most. 

She pulled down at the tightly fitted dress she was wearing that she had poured herself in to for the final meeting with all the studio people, she sighed to herself knowing that at some point in the near future she would be able to breath properly again. 

The door to the bedroom creaked open loudly as she tried to make her way in quietly. Her eyes flicked over to the bed where Kimberley was sprawled out, hugging one of the pillows beside her in her sleep. 

She smiled to herself as she walked over to the bed and sat on the side, putting a hand on top of the duvet which covered the older girls stomach. 

“Cheryl?” Kimberley asked groggily, rubbing her eyes to help them adjust to the low lighting. 

“sorry babe, did I wake you up” Cheryl asked, keeping her voice low as she leaned over Kimberley and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

“no I wasn’t asleep” Kimberley lied as she sat herself up in the bed and reached over to put the bedside lamp on. 

“I noticed your handiwork in the kitchen” Cheryl said, throwing her hand bag on to the dressing table. 

I got bored” Kimberley shrugged. She let her eyes follow Cheryl as the younger girl stood up from the bed, the dress she had on, clinging in the most desirable places. 

She threw the duvet off of her, suddenly finding it quite warm which Cheryl noticed. She let her eyes linger over Kimberley’s curves which seemed to be exaggerated in the silk lingerie she was wearing and the soft lighting. 

“you look gorgeous” Cheryl said simply with a smile before letting herself sit back down on the bed. Suddenly the idea of getting out of her own dress didn’t seem to matter as she let her hand rest tantalizingly close to the hem of Kimberley’s night dress that sat on her thighs. 

“you stole my line” Kimberley joked as she looked at Cheryl expectantly. 

Maybe it was the heat of the room that made Cheryl lick her lips, or it could even have been the thoughts that were running through her head as she let her fingers dance around Kimberley’s thigh.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said about the band and everything” Kimberley said after a few minutes. Cheryl took her hand away and nodded, silently telling Kimberley to go on. 

“and I think it’s a great idea” she replied simply, as if it had never been in any doubt. 

“as long as I get to have you to myself a little bit first before I have to start sharing you with the other girls” Kimberley added with a cheeky smile. 

“well…” Cheryl started, giving the older girl her best come to bed eyes as she manoeuvred herself further on to the bed, which was no easy feat in her tight dress. 

“you can have me now if you want” she finished, letting her mouth fall in to a natural smile as she moved herself so that she was sat up straddling the older girl underneath her. 

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