Chapter 31

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Chapter Thirty One


Cheryl smiled to herself as she heard Kimberley breathing her name. She looked up briefly towards Kimberley’s face as the girl threw her head back.

She put her hands on the outsides of Kimberley’s thighs and dug her nails in firmly, eliciting a moan from Kimberley’s lips.

Dropping her head, she planted a wet kiss on the inside of the older girls thigh before  biting down playfully. She sighed deeply to herself as she listened to perhaps the sweetest sound she had ever heard escape from Kimberley’s lips.

A phone vibrated somewhere in the distance, but neither one of them made any effort to move for it. Cheryl moved herself back up the length of Kimberley’s body slowly, leaving a trail of little kisses up her stomach as she went.

She felt Kimberley’s hands in her hair, pulling her up towards her lips and smiled as their lips connected briefly before she kissed the girl again with more conviction.

Kimberley sighed loudly as Cheryl ran her hands over her breasts and down to her waist whilst she continued to kiss her roughly.

She had already resigned herself to the fact that she probably wouldn’t be getting much sleep that night, but somehow it didn’t seem to matter, and sleep was the furthest thing from her mind as she felt Cheryl’s fingers slipping underneath the elastic waistband of her underwear.



Kimberley opened her eyes reluctantly and seen Cheryl sat on the end of the bed, towel drying her hair.

“what’s wrong?” she asked with a frown, causing Cheryl to turn around.

“Hilary” Cheryl replied vaguely, tapping the screen of her mobile phone. She switched the hairdryer on and dried her hair quickly whilst slipping her high heels on with her free hand.

“She’s called me too” Kimberley replied after a minute, reaching for her own phone and finding two missed calls from their manager. Hilary had been kept on as manager for each of the girl’s throughout the break, but it had been a long while since Kimberley had been in contact with her, and the sudden phone call made her heart jump a little.

She sat up in the bed and waited for Cheryl to switch off the hair dryer before repeating what she had already said.

They both looked at each other for a second, each with their mobile phones in their hands and knew instinctively what the other was thinking.

“I bet it was that *Female Dog* from the estate agency” Cheryl said angrily before throwing her mobile on to the bed.

She got up and paced the room a few times, trying to calm herself down, although her heart felt as though it were about to beat out of her chest. She looked over to Kimberley who had a similar look on her face.

“the camera’s will be everywhere if we stay at the flat tonight” Cheryl said, thinking out loud. She was due in to the studio’s in London at any minute, and the plan was that Kimberley would arrange for some furniture to be put in to the flat and they would stay their for the night.

“should I call Hilary back” Kimberley asked, toying with the phone in her hand. She suddenly felt the nausea washing over her, even though the thought of going public hadn’t seemed so bad to her at first.

But that was when everything was just hindsight and the possibility of it actually being true seemed so far away she didn’t even have to think about it. Now it was a reality, things were quite different, and she didn’t like the fact that it had been taken out of their control.

“why don’t you come with me now…I don’t like the thought of you having to get down their on your own, what if the paparazzi come?” Cheryl asked, making her mind up before she had even finished her sentence that she wasn’t leaving without the girl.

She reached her arm out and took Kimberley’s hand, pulling her up from the bed. Kimberley rolled her eyes to the ceiling but got out from under the covers and went in to the en suite to get ready.

“I’ll call the car and tell him to wait a bit” Cheryl said, popping her head in to the bathroom as Kimberley was about to take her night gown off and get in the shower.

Out of instinct Kimberley pulled the straps back up and held them to her, before realising it was just Cheryl.

“don’t worry babe…I seen a lot more than that last night” she laughed and winked at the girl playfully before closing the door behind her.


She felt a little bit like a school girl sat in the head masters office as she looked around Hilary’s office and waited for the woman to come in. Cheryl had kept in regular contact with Hilary over the last year, especially when it all kicked off with the X Factor and she started to receive more and more publicity, but she still felt nervous as she sat in the familiar office.

On more than one occasion, Hilary had had to rescue Cheryl from the press, making sure that certain stories didn’t get out, or that she came out the other side looking better than what she probably should have, but even Cheryl began to wonder what Hilary would make of her latest revelation.

“Cheryl” Hilary said upon entering the room, catching Cheryl off guard. Cheryl stood up from the chair and embraced Hilary before they both sat on opposite sides of Hilary’s large desk.

“you can’t just give me an easy life can you” Hilary said matter of factly, before letting out a smile to let Cheryl know she was only joking.

“I think I owe you an explanation” Cheryl started, feeling suddenly guilty for not letting Hilary know about her and Kimberley sooner.

“its okay, I know all about it” Hilary said, cutting Cheryl off mid sentence. She shuffled a few papers on her desk whilst Cheryl frowned, wondering how Hilary had found out.

“Nicola” Hilary replied, answering the question that Cheryl hadn’t even asked yet. “I had a phone call this morning asking if it was true that you and Kimberley were buying a flat in London together. It just so happened that Nicola phoned me a few hours ago so I asked her and she told me” Hilary finished, leaning back in her chair and finally looking up from her paperwork.

The way Hilary had worded it made it sound all so simple, even though Cheryl knew it was anything but.

“we should have told you sooner” Cheryl started, by way of an apology but stopped when Hilary held her hand out.

“you should have – but it doesn’t matter what you didn’t do, it’s what you did do that I’m worried about now”

Cheryl looked down guiltily and felt as though she had been told off, which she supposed she had.

“We’ve been really careful Hilary honestly” Cheryl replied, hoping to god that it was true. They had always been careful not to get in to situations that could have looked suspicious, but they hadn’t exactly put their lives on hold either, and the more she thought about it, the more little scenario’s kept popping in to her head.

“do you want to come clean” Hilary asked, making a few notes as she spoke to Cheryl.

“no” Cheryl replied quickly, and cringed inwardly as she said it. She hadn’t meant to say that at all, she was supposed to tell Hilary to wait until she had spoken properly to Kimberley, but as soon as the question was put to her, Cheryl panicked and said the only thing that was on her mind.

They talked briefly about the other girls before Cheryl made her excuses and left the office feeling worse than when she had gone in.

She headed off to the studio’s for a full days worth of filming but made a mental note to buy Kimberley a bunch of flowers on the way home, a peace offering before she would tell her what happened with Hilary.

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