Chapter 32

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Chapter Thirty Two

Cheryl let herself in to the flat and placed the flowers on the table before hanging her coat up and kicking her shoes off.

“hey” Kimberley said, appearing at the door to the hallway, she offered Cheryl a large smile before walking over to the table with the flowers on.

“are these for me?” she asked, pointing to the large bunch of flowers.

Cheryl nodded sheepishly and smiled back to her before kissing her quickly on the cheek.

Kimberley rolled her eyes, trying to hide her smile. “what have you done” she laughed playfully, walking behind Cheryl in to the kitchen to get a vase for the flowers.

Cheryl cringed to herself wishing that she had bought the flowers as a simple nice gesture. Instead she turned abruptly in her path and put on a mock offended look on her face before opening her arms wide to hug Kimberley.

Kimberley put the flowers down on the kitchen counter and fell in to Cheryl’s embrace, resting her head on the girls shoulder for a long moment before going back to the flowers.

“did you speak to Hilary?” Kimberley asked, with her back to Cheryl. Cheryl sat on one of the kitchen stools and dropped her head in to her hands, thankful that Kimberley couldn’t see her.

“yeah…she sends her love” Cheryl replied, her throat becoming a little dry as she found herself in a predicament entirely of her own making.

“you should have invited her for dinner” Kimberley suggested, looking at Cheryl from over her shoulder. “are you okay babe?” she asked, a frown beginning to adorn her face.

“just a bit of a headache” Cheryl lied before making an effort to look okay when really her insides were tied in knots.

“that’s a shame” Kimberley replied cheekily before putting the flowers and the vase in the middle of the table.

Cheryl grinned, knowing exactly what Kimberley was hinting at, but still she felt as though she probably should have told her the truth about what she had said to Hilary. The more she thought about the whole world knowing about their relationship, the more it scared her.

“so what did she want then?” Kimberley asked, changing the subject back to Hilary.

“a newspaper has picked the story up, she wanted to know what we wanted to do” Cheryl told her honestly. She decided to play the rest by ear, hoping that she didn’t have to lie again.

“and what did you say?” Kimberley asked, her tone suggesting she was a little bit worried.

Cheryl swallowed hard and breathed in deeply, hoping it would buy her a bit of time to find some courage from somewhere.

“because I was thinking…” Kimberley interjected, causing Cheryl to frown deeply.

“go on” Cheryl urged her, almost a little bit to eagerly. She sat back in her stool and tried to calm herself down, hoping that Kimberley was going to say she had changed her mind, and wanted them to keep quiet a bit longer.

“its kind of nice isn’t it, the way it is now?” Kimberley said, Cheryl could see she was trying to chose her words carefully so as not to offend her, and for a moment she felt guilty for not being the one to have the courage to say it.

“I mean, I quite like having you to myself…” Kimberley went on. She ran her finger around the rim of her glass that was on the counter, it was a nervous gesture which told Cheryl she wasn’t quite as comfortable having the discussion as her tone suggested.

“I quite like that idea too” Cheryl replied with a smile. She reached over the counter and put both of her hands on top of Kimberley’s on the counter.


Kimberley felt herself falling backwards on to the stairs, and under any other circumstances it would probably have hurt her.

“sorry” Cheryl mumbled as she landed on top of her awkwardly. Their lips met again, each time with more passion and urgency than the last.

Cheryl let her hands run slowly down Kimberley’s thigh’s until she reached the hem of her dress, slipping one hand underneath and using the other to steady herself on the stairs.

Kimberley lay her head back on the stairs and moaned a little as she felt Cheryl leaving little kisses down her neck as her hand crept further up the inside of her thigh.

She lifted her hand and let it tangle in Cheryl’s hair as the girl continued in her path of kisses down Kimberley’s body until she came to the neckline of her dress.

She flicked her eyes back up to meet Kimberley’s and smiled to her before finding the zip on her dress and taking it off easily.

Cheryl licked her lips subconsciously as she let her eyes wonder down Kimberley’s tanned and toned body, covered by just her underwear. She stroked her hand over the older girl’s stomach before dropping it back down to her thighs.

She laughed to herself as she heard a low moan escape from Kimberley’s lips. She knelt down on one of the stairs and used her hands to open Kimberley’s legs roughly, before leaning in to her to close the distance between them.

Kimberley closed her eyes tightly and dug her nails in to Cheryl’s back as she felt the girl’s hand slipping under the fabric of her underwear.

She felt the edge of the stairs digging in her back as Cheryl pressed against her, but suddenly it didn’t seem to matter, in fact she could have been anywhere because the only thing she could think about was the girl as she watched her head disappear between her legs.

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